New Buddhist Coalition for Democracy launches, issues Call to Action #buddhism #EngagedBuddhism #SocialJustice #democracy

New Buddhist Coalition for Democracy launches, issues Call to Action #buddhism #EngagedBuddhism #SocialJustice #democracy
Singing and Playing
My stony satyr flaming
Zappa still hates Trump
#Haiku #Saxophone #Singing #HomeVideo #TodayInAmerica #Live #ArtAsMeditation #ArtForArttsSake #Saturday #USA #Trump #ICE #JamesBaldwinLives #WomensHistoryMonth #Music #SpokenWord #Mystic #FreeSpeech #Justice #RightAction #EngagedBuddhism #Zappa #Cover
The Buddhist Church of San Francisco cosponsored "Reaffirming Sanctuary" yesterday. The event began with an Interfaith Sanctuary Press Conference at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, followed by a procession through Japantown, and ended with an Interfaith Vigil at Christ United Presbyterian Church.
#buddhism #jodoshinshu #shinbuddhism #engagedbuddhism #immigration #migrants
"Project 2025 is not a scattershot effort. Though some Trump appointees lack experience and familiarity with bureaucracies, #Project2025 distinguishes between executive orders, agency regulations, policy guidance, personnel reorganization, and congressional action—fueled by insider knowledge. It is a clear blueprint to dismantle or repurpose federal agencies and alter their priorities..." #Nonprofits #NGO
#BelovedCommunity #EngagedBuddhism #USPol #CivilRights #HumanRights
"Defending against police state weaponization is imperative. Legal action, resistance, sanctuary, and new underground railroads are emergency initiatives needed to shelter and safeguard the lives of immigrants, women, and transgender people—the risk of violence against scapegoat groups will only increase.
#Nonprofits #NGO
#BelovedCommunity #EngagedBuddhism #SanghaInTheStreets #Fascism #Racism #WhiteSupremacy #ChristianNationalism #Trump #USPol #CivilRights #HumanRights
> This is exactly the kind of thing engaged Buddhists today (especially in the usa) need to be paying attention to. The forces of greed, hatred, and delusion—what we call the three poisons—aren’t just individual mental habits. They manifest in systems, institutions, and governments. And here we see them in action." #EngagedBuddhism #PlumVillage #BuddhaGang #Dharma #USPol @buddhagang @plumvillage @engagedbuddhism
The list of 30 Black Buddhists whom the Ekoji Buddhist Temple Young Buddhist Association expressed gratitude for.
#buddhist #buddhist #engagedbuddhism #jodoshinshu #shinbuddhism #blm #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory
The Young Buddhist Association of Ekoji Buddhist Temple, a Jodo Shinshu Pure Land temple in northern Virginia, released a statement for #blackhistorymonth. They included a list of 30 Black Buddhist teachers whom they expressed gratitude for.
#buddhist #buddhist #engagedbuddhism #jodoshinshu #shinbuddhism #blm
“There comes a time when all life on Earth is in danger. At that time great powers have arisen, barbarian powers, and although they waste their wealth in preparations to annihilate each other, they have much in common. Among the things these barbarians have in common are weapons of unfathomable devastation and death and technologies that lay waste to the world." #JoannaMacy
#Dharma #USPol #EngagedBuddhism #RecoveryDharma #SanghaInTheStreets @dharma @engagedbuddhism
#BelovedCommunity #EngagedBuddhism #RecoveryDharma #SanghaInTheStreets #Fascism #MAGA #Racism #WhiteSupremacy #ChristianNationalism #ApartheidAmerica #Trump #USPol #USPolitics #SeparationOfChurchAndState #ChristoFascism #WhiteNationalism #Immigrants #Indigenous #NativeAmerican #ImmigrantRights #WorkerRights #CivilRights #HumanRights #PoliceStateViolence #Abortion #Trans #SantaFe #NewMexico @belovedcommunity @engagedbuddhism @recoverydharma @sanghainthestreets
Religious resistance to Trump continues. On Sunday Rev. Blayne Higa of Kona Hongwanji Mission devoted his Dharma talk to solidarity with Episcopal bishop Mariann Budde. "I am grateful for Bishop Budde’s bravery and stand with her as a Buddhist priest, as an American, and as a person of faith."
#Buddhism #Buddhist #engagedbuddhism #politics #jodoshinshu #shinbuddhism #religion
Trump UNLEASHES PLAN He Denied Knowing About
> David Pepper is the former Chair of the Ohio Democratic Party and author of “Trump’s Project 2025: Up Close and Personal.”
I Vow Not to Burn Out
"In my world, there always seems to be way too much to do, along with too much suffering and societal corruption and not enough spaces of deep rest and regeneration." #MushimPatriciaIkeda
#Dharma #Buddhism #BelovedCommunity #Interbeing #Mindfulness #Meditation #EngagedBuddhism #RecoveryDharma #SanghaInTheStreets
@dharma @belovedcommunity @engagedbuddhism
@recoverydharma @sanghainthestreets
1\ Sangha in the Streets (SITS!) began in Fall 2011 as the #contemplative wing of Occupy Wall Street, also known as "Occupy the Present Moment." A resource for those seeking to connect meditation practice with collective liberation. #SanghaInTheStreets #SITS #OccupyWallStreet #Occupy
#Dharma #Buddhism #BelovedCommunity #Interbeing #Mindfulness #Meditation #EngagedBuddhism #RecoveryDharma @thichnhathanh @dharma @belovedcommunity @engagedbuddhism @recoverydharma
May you be filled with loving kindness,
May you be well,
May you be peaceful and at ease,
May you be happy and free from suffering.
#Dharma #Dhamma #Buddhism #Metta #EngagedBuddhism #RecoveryDharma
@dhamma @dharma @buddhism @metta @engagedbuddhism @recoverydharma
BDG feature: INEB Conference 2024: Tracing the Roots of Compassion and Equity Through Inclusive Social Engagement
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