OLD HEX (Regne Unit) presenta nou EP: "Dungeon Crawling To The End" #OldHex #BlackMetal #DungeonSynth #Març2025 #RegneUnit #NouEp #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
OLD HEX (Regne Unit) presenta nou EP: "Dungeon Crawling To The End" #OldHex #BlackMetal #DungeonSynth #Març2025 #RegneUnit #NouEp #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
ELFFOR (País Basc) presenta nou àlbum: "Uhgluk" #Elffor #Epic #AtmosphericBlackMetal #Ambient #DungeonSynth #Març2025 #PaísBasc #NouÀlbum #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
Free download codes:
Stewart Keller - Postcards
"Somber & dripping cold winter ambient."
CERCLE DU CHÊNE (França) presenta nou àlbum: "Récits d'automne et de chasse" #CercleDuChêne #Epic #AtmosphericBlackMetal #DungeonSynth #Març2025 #França #NouÀlbum #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
A Freakflag moment. ChatGPT 40 and I examine two obscure subgenres—#dungeonsynth and #witchhouse. Which one is a winner?
VADOK (Regne Unit) presenta nou Split: "Compilation Album" #Vadok #RawBlackMetal #DungeonSynth #Març2025 #RegneUnit #NouSplit #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
Free download codes:
Ephysus - Music
"Melancholic dark ambient / dungeon synth EP about the afterlife."
New this week
#music #berlinschool #indierock #jazztronica #dungeonsynth #instrumentalrock #140 #psytrance #eurorack #modularsynth #grime #breakbeats #songwriter #janglepop #newage #indiepop #singersongwriter #ebm #australia #trance
Dachboden Synth from #Ukraine
"Where witches are born"
Track List:
1. Kirche In Der Nache Des Sumpfes
2. Wo Hexen Geboren Werden
3. Shmutziger Dachboden
4. Arcanume II
VADOK (Regne Unit) presenta nou àlbum: "Moartea - Mormântul Tuturor Moravurilor" #Vadok #RawBlackMetal #DungeonSynth #Març2025 #RegneUnit #NouÀlbum #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
VADOK (Regne Unit) presenta nou single: "Corrupt" #Vadok #RawBlackMetal #DungeonSynth #Març2025 #RegneUnit #NouSingle #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
VADOK (Regne Unit) presenta nova demo: "Demo" #Vadok #RawBlackMetal #DungeonSynth #Març2025 #RegneUnit #NovaDemo #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
Free download codes:
spaceseer - Feral Moon
"Dark Forest Doom Synth Concept Album from spaceseer"
Free download codes:
spaceseer - Qyo Ecclesia
"Hymns of the pious Qyo, a sun-worshipping sect of the Kylyy flower people"
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Sylfvr - A Nice Evening Stroll
"A short spring adventure through a mystical forest. Mysteries await..."
Ah, it's still #BlackMetalMonday and i've got something for it.
Bloody Keep.
Is it the ultimate #shitpost band with an #anime Dracula on the Cover? Is it #blackmetal and #dungeonsynth in a toxic relationship?
I don't know.
Is it fun?
Hell yeah.
I like it.
VADOK (Regne Unit) presenta nou single: "Singles" #Vadok #RawBlackMetal #DungeonSynth #Març2025 #RegneUnit #NouSingle #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
ELFFOR (País Basc) presenta nou Split: "Pact of Blood" #Elffor #Epic #AtmosphericBlackMetal #Ambient #DungeonSynth #Març2025 #PaísBasc #NouSplit #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic