Interesting conversation, if you can skip past the podcaster's AI fetish. A few quotes follow...
Interesting conversation, if you can skip past the podcaster's AI fetish. A few quotes follow...
#change #CulturalEvolution #AnimalRights #humanrights
What is legal or normal is not necessarily moral or ethical.
A fascinating analysis of #string #figure #games asks to 'what extent shared motifs are signals of repeated innovations or deep cultural transmission'.
Most strikingly, the global distribution of some figures raises the possibility of shared ancient origins.
#culturalevolution #anthropology #crossculture #mathematics #cognition
Explore prehistoric art and discover how our ancient ancestors expressed themselves through art, from intricate Paleolithic art to symbolic carvings by Homo Naledi. Uncover the stories behind cave art, symbolic thought, and cultural leaps that connect us to our past.
Learn more:
This research is really sweet -- showing the size and complexity of ancient #African #huntergatherer networks, before farming.
Hunter-gatherer groups in the Congo maintained social networks across vast distances thousands of years before agriculture arrived. The cultural diversity is shown in musical instruments, specialist vocabulary and genetic analyses.
#anthropology #genetics #culturalevolution
Bodies found in Neolithic pit were likely victims of ritualistic murder - Enlarge / Three female skeletons found in a Neolithic storage pit in Fr... - #forensicarchaeology #culturalevolution #ritualsacrifice #uncategorized #anthropology #archaeology #neolithic #science
Still time to sign in on Eventbrite for tonight!
Oct 24, 18:30 London time with
Radical Anthropologists
Camilla Power and Ian Watts
'On the Human Revolution'
They are speaking LIVE @UCLanthropology (Daryll Forde Seminar Room on the 2nd Floor)
and on ZOOM. Everybody welcome!
Sign into Eventbrite for ZOOM ID (sent out on the morning/pm of the date)
#humanevolution #culturalevolution #symbolicculture #pigments #ritual #anthropology #humanorigins #femalecosmeticcoalitions #Africa #MiddleStoneAge
Image shows the cover of 'The Human Revolution', edited by the late Paul Mellars and Chris Stringer in 1989.
A new study suggests that advanced civilizations may have existed in the distant past, but left no trace of their existence. The study, which uses a mathematical model of cultural evolution, shows that the probability of detecting an ancient civilization is very low, even if they were widespread and long-lasting. The study challenges the assumption that we are the first or only intelligent species in the universe. #AncientCivilizations #CulturalEvolution #CosmicHistory
Hi everyone, I'm Michael! I'm primarily on #Twitter, but I'll try to cross-post here. Want to join the conversations with those who prefer Mastodon.
I'm a #professor at the #LSE.
My research focuses on human #evolution & #culturalevolution, and #behavioralscience, and #publicpolicy applications. Basically why #humans are different to other animals, how our #psychology and societies evolve and how we can use that to make the world better. #introductions #science
I suppose it's time for an #introduction post!
My core personality in hashtags:
#reading (#urbanfantasy #paranormalromance)
#artsandcrafts (#painting #sculpting #sketching #coloring)
#history (#ancienthistory #mythology #culturalevolution #anthropolgy)
#witch (#witchcraft)
#LGBTQIA member
The #paranormal
#gamer (#videogaming)
Skills I want to learn/master:
Hi, I am excited to meet new people and old friends here!
I share stimulating research on #humanbehavior, #cognition, #evolution, #culturalevolution, #cooperation, #complexsystems, #religion, and #ritual and hope to learn more about #computationalmodeling, #human-AI interactions, and #Bayesian statistics. I also share resources on #statistics, #Rstats, and #openscience and promote our lab's work.
I am always open to chatting about coffee.