Anybody got a black & white drawing of the musk nazi salute?
Looking to recreate these wanted posters.
Ideas of other things you can do to wake up the normie zombies:
Anybody got a black & white drawing of the musk nazi salute?
Looking to recreate these wanted posters.
Ideas of other things you can do to wake up the normie zombies:
If you have a minute and a dollar, would you please consider keeping my friend & #ArtFED member @SabiLewSounds from being thrown on the street this week?
"Is THIS what you voted for?" buy #ArtFED & #ResInst
CC-BY-SA 4.0
Inspired by Emily Perez
"Black history is American history & American history is dark as hell."
#JoanMastodon #TTJ
Stochastic Eugenics.
That's what this is & the fascists hope that it will allow them to escape punishment for the crimes against humanity they have planned.
Fascism doesn't come all at once for everyone. In Florida, they've been trying to take out marginalized people for years & my friend @SabiLewSounds is one of them. If you have more money than time & energy, will you please consider hekping to keep this disabled immigrant and her 72 year old mom off the streets?
This is a great article on the little things we all can do to help grow the grassroots including sticker activism.
"Thirty lonely but beautiful actions you can take right now which probably won't magically catalyze a mass movement against Trump but that are still wildly important"
Why? Because others will see you do them, and it will make it easier for them to take their own (slightly less lonely but equally beautiful) action by your side
I will make a to make sure that this info is in the fediverse.
"Comrade Couch" buy #ArtFED & #ResInt
CC-BY-SA 4.0
#JDVance #ComradeCouch #Digital Collage
I'm just gonna drop this right here. I'm not affiliated in any way with this etsy listing, but I love the idea that @MaryAustinBooks just suggested!
So...because a few thousand people want to live better than any person in most of human history could possibly conceive, we're all gonna die?
And the normies are cool with this?
I feel fairly confident that almost everyone reading this is not. So I ask you once again.
It's 1933 again. WTF are we going to do about it?!?
How do we convince the people starting to realize that #fascism is a problem that #billionaires and #oligarchs are the root cause that needs to be yanked out?
I'm thinking that we need to use #art as a weapon & deploy clever art installations, signs, stickers & chalk art in public places.
Got any other suggestions besides the also important protests, pressure on elected officials, boycotts & union support?
What about examples or ideas for #ActivistArt? Want to join an artist's federation or start your own #ArtFED?
"I'm your huckleberry."
Tightrope walkers by Remedios Varo
Funambulistas / 1944 / Surrealism
The Cardiff Team by Robert Delaunay
1922 / Orphism / genre painting
@SnowshadowII I've racked my brain on this, but it's a moving goalpost. We're in a perfect storm where people's feeds (reality) is so personalized that it's going to take creative thinking & new approaches.
Off the top of my head, I think it's going to take IRL public displays of various types. An unreal amount of peaceful demonstrators, too big to ignore. More public projections like the German Tesla factory musk bazi salute. Flash mobs doing interesting enough things for the videos to go viral & linking to things like this to get more people on the fediverse. Plastering public areas, telephone poles with the same or art with qr code to something specific. Chalk & banksyesque spray chalk with stencils. Spread the word of John & Joan Mastodon. They're our Ned Ludd.
"Use art as a weapon."
Man with a Tulip (also known as Portrait of Jean Metzinger) by Robert Delaunay
1906 / Neo-Impressionism / portrait