Siiri rakastaa naapuruston lapsia. Siiri loves #kids in our #neighbourhood. #CatsOfMastodon #caturday #kissamastodon #suomimastodon #finland #siperiankissa #siberiancat
Siblings. Sisarukset.
#kissat #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #SiberianCat
#thisisfinland This made me so glad. I had left my merino woolen gloves outside #yesterday. No one took them. They we still there #today. #suomimastodon #finland #caturdayeveryday I took my #cats for a walk after #work and now I need to #study. I hope I will #graduate in the beginning of June. #studying #siberiancat #nevamasqueradecat
Eating up the belly rubs on a daily basis like a freaking golden retriever.
#gusTheCat #caturday #catsOfMastodon #bigFloofs
#siberianCat #fediCats #mastoCats
He's smitten with the snow in a serious way, with the exception of the snowballs that form on his belly. He attacks them when he gets inside.
Gus has officially made several rounds of the yard in the deep snow, keeping a sharp eye out for mousies.
He has literally no hesitations with it and may in fact truly be Siberian.
The danger of having a Siberian cat as a roommate is that every time you put on lip balm your lips are suddenly made of cat fur.
Two big cats in a little bed - Happy Caturday! #caturday #CatsOfMastodon #siberiancat #snugglebuddies