Heute morgen mit Kids Toggo Radio vor der Schule gehört:
"blabla..mehr Inhalte findest du auf unser Story auf Instagram...."
Das ist ein Kindersender, da können doch nicht auch schon Teile des Contents wie bei der Tagesschau auf meta verlegt werden, so dass man im Hauptmedium (hier Radio) unvollständigen Inhalt ausgespielt bekommt. Es sollte sich nicht für diese privaten Tracking- und Datenhandel-Plattformen auf einem Kindersender vor dem Abendprogramm geworben werden.
Instagram ist erst ab 13 nutzbar und im Idealfall erst ab 16, da ist toggo nicht mehr relevant für die Jugendlichen.
Ich schreibe am Abend eine Mail an den Sender.
Parents please Talk With your Young Ones about this!!
It happens across the nation.
"Coquitlam RCMP investigating sextortion schemes
Coquitlam RCMP issues public safety message after young people targeted in online extortions"
#Canada #Parenting #Internet #Extortion #youth
No matter how badly relations have broken down, a father should never publicly vilify his child.
The old dog says: slow down. It’s hot and I want to amble
The little kids say: slow down. This stone is really special.
We take slow walks these days. And see a lot.
Big Kitchen wants you to think the dry beans and the cat food should be in different containers, but Space Maximizing Toddler knows that’s just an archaic and silly idea.
My 16-year-old had a rough start to the tri, so we watched Mean Girls (2004) tonight. While it is shocking to see the movie is more than 20-years old, it still holds up surprisingly well.
Emotional day for the whānau as the Little One releases Kamachan, their pet praying mantis, back into the garden.
Lots of tears and bravery from a small child parting from their insect friend.
Hoy masto, help besoin de ressources :
Sur le parentage dans la petite enfance avec un enfant autiste (en maternelle) qui peut avoir du mal à s'exprimer.
Tous les tips auxquels vous pouvez penser à cet âge sont les bienvenus
En particulier sur le moment du coucher.
Je transmettrai vos réponses
#parenting #autism
I’m not a parent but I find this substack to be really interesting and insightful.
New in our digital #collection:
Handbook of #children and screens: #DigitalMedia, development, and well-being from birth through adolescence
This #OpenAccess handbook synthesizes the current #research about the impacts of digital #media on children across development.
It's an affront to me personally that Emilia Clarke has never done a CBeebies Bedtime Story.
...to talk about rap more generally. I explained that hip hop had grown up after my adolescence, and so it had never been part of my youthful sound world. By and large it's a musical genre that I enjoy only in small doses, and I dislike much of the culture of conspicuous consumption and ultramasculinity that seems typical of a good deal of recent hip hop.
I did point out, though, that I don't have a blanket hatred of the genre, and that one track from almost half a century ago still struck me as both powerful social commentary and a cleverly written song:
My son had never heard of it. I wondered whether he would find it hokey, but in fact he told me he was impressed.
I'd love to tell you that this was the beginning of a long evening of father-son bonding, but when I put on NMIXX -- Know About Me, he found that he had important things to attend to in his room....
I had an interesting conversation with my teenage son last night.
His listening consists almost exclusively of rap at the moment. He told me that one of his favourite artists was Earl Sweatshirt. We then put on the MV for "The Caliphate".
At the end of the MV, my son asked me if I had liked it. This question put me on the spot, because I had not enjoyed it, but I wished neither to sound dismissive nor be dishonest. So I told him that "The Claiphate" was not quite my cup of tea, but that I could understand something of the artistry and why it might appeal.
We then went on ...
Adopt Perspective
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/adopt-perspective/
@SteveThompson no, we need to ask the real question and demand proper #Parenting as well as #MediaLiteracy & #TechLiteracy.
My child and I share the anxiety feature of bedtime catastrophe churn. The convo just now at tuck in:
“Child: Hey you’re expert at this talk me out of natural disasters. Me: which ones? …we don’t have tornadoes here C: I was just going to say that… flooding? M: the channel is pretty big. C: lightning? M: very rare here. C: zombie apocalypse? M: hasn’t happened yet! Sweet dreams!”
I'm really trying to hire a lawyer so I can hopefully one day be able to see my oldest daughter, and that's not possible when I'm fundraising for basic needs.
The $5k goal for monthly expenses should help us catch up on bills and start to set some money aside. What we'd really love is a bump so I can get this process going ASAP... given that it's going to take many months, if not years.
c/v: nullagent
The Five Stages of Bedtime:
1. Alright, kid is in bed. She'll be out soon. Then I'll make myself a sandwich, watch the season finale of The Pitt, maybe do some journaling, take a shower, do Duolingo, and read some before bed.
2. Alright maybe just shower, the sandwich and the show then.
3. Actually I'm not that hungry.
4. Oh please gods give me strength to get up and shower.
5. Goddammit