Of interest for some.
> The Feast of Cernunnos by #JohnBeckett

Of interest for some.
> The Feast of Cernunnos by #JohnBeckett
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 22
Prompt: How are those patterns resonating in my life?
Card: The High Priestess-II.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 21
Prompt: What patterns am I stumbling over?
Card: The Empress-III.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
This is Gawton's Well, in a place some call Druid's Grove. The well is claimed to have curative properties for skin conditions. The last picture shows the stone where the hermit Gawton lived, it was not very roomy!
The well is said to be holy, though it's not clear who to. If the well is old enough, it may predate Christianity.
I'll return to film there later in the year.
Ritual fire to welcome the Spring Equinox, which arrived at 5:01 Eastern Time this morning. This afternoon, I ceremonially burned the Yule wreath I made on this past Winter Solstice, December 21, 2024, as well as the greens-festooned star that decorated my gate during the winter holy days.
#spring #equinox #springequinox #vernalequinox #fire #ritual #Ostara #Eostre #Easter #YuleWreath #interfaith #interfaithminister #pagan #heathen #interfaithheathen
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Four of Bows (wands).
This may be a time to turn down any social invitations. You just don't have the energy for them. So gracefully decline and stay close to home. There'll be other social times, just not now.
#Tarot card of evening: The Hooded Man-IX (The Hermit-IX).
You want to be left alone, but in the #HardTimes it's not always possible. But if you don't make time for yourself, replenish yourself, you won't be able to shine and share your light.
HEATHEN (Estats Units) presenta nou àlbum en directe: "Bleed the World: Live" #Heathen #TechnicalSpeed #ThrashMetal #Març2025 #EstatsUnits #NouÀlbumEnDirecte #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 14
Prompt: How can I release the hold my fears have on me?
Card: Two of Pentacles.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Eight of Arrows (swords).
This card speaks of trouble, restrictions, struggle. You may have to do more with a lot less. You won't be able to add more, so learn to work better with what you do have.
#Tarot card of evening: Page of Arrows (swords).
You may get news, which may or not be good, not good seems more likely. Possible cuts whether monetary or some other cut and purge, so be ready.
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 7
Prompt: How can I balance by energy distribution?
Card: Judgement-XX.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
Of possible interest for some, a #Lenormand reading.
> Prediction March 2025 by #LadybugDawn
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The Wheel-X.
The Wheel brings now uncertainty and difficulties. Sure, it will turn eventually and bring better, but it will be a long while. So you need to deal with what is here and now.
#Tarot card of evening: Eight of Arrows (swords).
Whether restrictions or obstacles, we're on a rough path with no end in sight for now. Don't give up. Bundle up, keep working through it. Refuse to let others stop you.
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The Wanderer-0 (The Fool).
Get going anyhow, even if not sure where you are headed. You'll figure it out along the way. Be open to new possibilities and keep faith you will land well.
#Tarot card of evening: Five of Bows (Wands).
As an old saying goes, you want peace, prepare for war. Plan ahead, be prepared, and practice those drills. You want to be able to execute swiftly and efficiently when something goes down.
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 2
Prompt: What can I learn about me from this card?
Card: Knight of Pentacles.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 1
Prompt: What card symbolizes me right now?
Card: Page of Swords.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.