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Etherveil - Spellbound
"It’s harsh, fast, loud, and noisy"
Free download codes:
Etherveil - Spellbound
"It’s harsh, fast, loud, and noisy"
Super grateful to be featured on the fleshbunkker YouTube Channel!
They’ve selected my recent improvised, lo-fi noise composition “I’m so depressed…” which is part of The Church of Noisy Goat’s new tribute compilation for David Lynch, “Who is the Dreamer?”
Recently Lab Rat featured my piece “LOESS I” in its entirety! It’s a loaded show at 2hrs 39mins, with dedication to the long form towards the end (which is of course where you’ll find my track):
As always - a special thanks to Porlie Eidolon at Islington Radio!
I'm looking forward to using this as my lullaby soon
Great show last night in Atlanta, GA! Thankfully, Hot Pot Talk Block also streamed it and posted all the performances here:
#ryosukekiyasu #tonycurtis #lilithsmith #momm #raralala and more!
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Snare Mori - Suit & Tie
"No comprises, no pandering - just pure noise made out of love and shown to the world because I can."
I'll see my dentist today and I'll record some nasty drilling noises and screams of pain to use them to build a #HarshNoise and/or #Ambient song later
Should be fun, at least the second part
"Circular Reference" by #Merzbow.
No better way to close a day than blasting out some #HarshNoise.
This is a new record from 2023. Pretty old school still, and the use of percussive elements was actually surprising. The cover reminended me of "SCSI Duck" 20 years back. Good shit!
@ekis Can you please write a few sentences what you think about my song? It would mean a lot to me!
#HarshNoise #DungeonSynth #Jazz #BlackMetal audio collage
"Katzenjammer (Auge um Auge)"
I recorded a blind cat's purring and added distortion (start: 0:13)
The disturbing noise from ca. 1:33 on is the pain of animals in captivity
#Haiku lyrics:
Wieder im Verlies (Back in the dungeon)
Dieser kalte Mutterschoß (This cold mother's womb)
Wird nicht mein Sarg sein (Won't be my casket)
Free download codes:
Etherveil - Spellbound
"It’s harsh, fast, loud, and noisy"
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Snare Mori - Jumpscare
"No lyrics, no message, 1000% normal."
Tune into Destroy All Music tonight at 9PM on WREK 91.1FM
#atlanta #georgia #destroyallmusic #radio #noise #improvisation #jazz #avant-garde #soundart #harshnoise #experimental #music #wrek
We don't need no Christianization ...
My first ever noise cassette on a local label based on athens ηλεκτρικο ταχύρυθμο run by @electric_knife
Mastered by @grm
Edition of 50
#harshnoise #freeimprovisation #noise #anarchonoise
My lullaby last night:
Hi y'all. I'm doing different kinds of experimental /niche music ranging from Ambient to Harsh Noise. The collected compilation tracks of 2024 below round-up the showcase for now.
Also pressing and releasing cassette tapes via Epileptic Media and playing in various projects and bands.
irgendwie #NeuHier
Unter dem Bandnamen azugm (jeder Buchstabe einzeln gesprochen) entsteht Musik bzw. Audiokunst
Wegen einer psychischen Erkrankung ist mein Bühnenname Lobotomie
Meine Sachen sind beeinflusst von #BlackMetal #DoomMetal #Grindcore #HarshNoise und #DungeonSynth sowie von Künstlern wie Gallhammer, Primitive Man und leider auch #Burzum
Texte über Politik, Mysterien, Seelenleben und #Metal
Weitere Lieder (meist die mit längerem Text):
my project azugm (abortion, zip guns, unholy Gorefield #memes) creates audio #art based on #BlackMetal #DoomMetal #Grindcore #HarshNoise and #DungeonSynth
Due to #schizophrenia I use the stage name Lobotomie
I admire 90s #Burzum as well as Gallhammer's subgenre mishmash and of course the fat and ugly bastards from Primitive Man
Songs about #Scientology and Xenu, #Asagraum aborting NSBM, Carola Rackete pegging #Salvini and songs about and by #cats