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Michael HERTER - Path of the Immortals (Epic Сinematic Mystical Ancient World Journey)
"Epic Сinematic Mystical Ancient World Journey"
South Plains health officials working to contain measles outbreak, encouraging vaccination #case #Children #Community #contain #county #Eastern #encourage #gaines #Global #Health #Hospital #Katherine #kcbd #local #lubbock #measles #mennonite #Mexico #MMR #new #News #officials #outbreak #plains #Positive #public #rate #School #South #texas #TightKnit #unvaccinated #urge #vaccination #vaccine #virus #vulnerable #wells #working
Eastern part of castle and principal garden, Konigsberg, East Prussia, Germany (i.e., Kaliningrad, Kaliningradskai︠a︡ oblastʹ, Russia) between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of Germany
#Eastern #Konigsberg #EastPrussia #Germany #Kaliningrad #Russia #ViewsofGermany #European #photography #historicalPhotos
LIEK5982 by Film&PhotoArchivist
Due to their declining quality I've been listening less #BBC and been picking up new #podcasts from the other parts of the #world and some are #US based. So I've been listening a lot of discussions about US elections and (from my #Eastern #European perspective) this has been kind of insane experience. Anyway, if you know some good not US focused podacasts in #EN or #GER, please share. I'm generally interested of #human #experience but also #music, #science, #knowledge, #innovation and #politics.
Namaste / Path of Spirituality
5-min #movie shot in #Nepal by Florent Dumas, with #music by Ludovico Einaudi on #Sprirtuality #Buddhism #Hinduism #Namaste 2013 Sep 30
Near Meloland, Imperial Valley. Large scale agriculture. Gang labor, Mexican and white, from the Southwest. Pull, clean, tie and crate carrots for the eastern market for eleven cents per crate of forty-eight bunches. Many can make barely one dollar a day. Heavy oversupply of labor and competition for jobs is keen
#NearMeloland #ImperialValley #Mexican #Southwest #California #DorotheaLanges #Eastern #forty-eight #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Near Meloland, Imperial Valley. Large scale agriculture. Gang labor, Mexican and white, from the Southwest. Pull, clean, tie and crate carrots for the eastern market for eleven cents per crate of forty-eight bunches. Many can make barely one dollar a day. Heavy oversupply of labor and competition for jobs is keen
#NearMeloland #ImperialValley #Mexican #Southwest #theImperialValley #Eastern #California #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Member of the co-op in the woods. Ola self help cooperative sawmill. Gem County, Idaho. See general caption 48
#GemCounty #Idaho #EASTERN #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump #Campaigns in #Eastern #Pennsylvania With his #Hate #Rallies in #Scranton and #Reading
Trump also spent a great deal of time in #Reading reiterating his #Falseclaims about an “#invasion” of #undocumented #immigrants who he said were affecting “#BlackJobs, #HispanicJobs, and #attacking #unionjobs.”
#EAS #WEA for Eastern Putnam: National Weather Service: A STORM SURGE WARNING is in effect for this area for the danger of life-threatening flooding. This warning is issued up to 36 hours before hazardous conditions begin. Urgently complete efforts to protect life and property. Follow evacuation orders if given for this area to avoid drowning or being cut off from emergency services. Source: NWS Jacksonville FL #Eastern Putnamwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOUR
#EAS #WEA for Eastern Clay: National Weather Service: A STORM SURGE WARNING is in effect for this area for the danger of life-threatening flooding. This warning is issued up to 36 hours before hazardous conditions begin. Urgently complete efforts to protect life and property. Follow evacuation orders if given for this area to avoid drowning or being cut off from emergency services. Source: NWS Jacksonville FL #Eastern Claywx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES
#EAS #WEA for Eastern Marion: National Weather Service: A HURRICANE WARNING is in effect for this area for dangerous and damaging winds. This warning is issued up to 36 hours before hazardous conditions begin. Urgently complete efforts to protect life and property. Have food, water, cash, fuel, and medications for 3+ days. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM LOCAL OFFICIALS. Source: NWS Jacksonville FL #Eastern Marionwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #WEA for Eastern Hamilton: National Weather Service: A HURRICANE WARNING is in effect for this area for dangerous and damaging winds. This warning is issued up to 36 hours before hazardous conditions begin. Urgently complete efforts to protect life and property. Have food, water, cash, fuel, and medications for 3+ days. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM LOCAL OFFICIALS. Source: NWS Jacksonville FL #Eastern Hamiltonwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***