Spotted in #Chelsea: a #CyberTruck... with a rental #billboard behind the trunk... How #dystopic can this get???
Spotted in #Chelsea: a #CyberTruck... with a rental #billboard behind the trunk... How #dystopic can this get???
First, I thought that I couldn't write fiction anymore because #reality gets crazy. Sometimes, I invent #SciFi plots just for fun, without writing. But now reality gets even weirder. I think that's the plan: We don't believe them. So, they install their #dystopic #apocalypse system while we still laugh about that insanity: (it's also archived).
2/2 Unforgettable this scene (turn the volume loud) where Anne Reid as the mother talks about the clowns and monsters, #guilt, and the origins of the totalitarian regime, about money and: "Did you walk out? Did you write letters of complaint? ... And we let it happen. ... So, yes, it's our fault. This is the world we built."
This series was a #dystopic #SciFi in 2019.
@noiseician at times it seems they are convinced #ParableOfTheSower and #ParableOfTheTalents are not #SciFi #Dystopic novels, but a blueprint for making America great again.
After all, it was #OctaviaEButler who coined the phrase #MAGA back in the 1990s
Invasão Capivara. Siga o fio (1/9)
No começo, parecia só mais um show de luzes.
#Humans are #biologically, #evolutionarily, inclined to be pessimistic and fearful, thus making thoughts of #dystopic futures much more appealing and easier to accept.
It's better to expect the worse and be wrong, than to be optimistic and be wrong, is our default.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation requires hope, and a belief that we can achieve a much better outcome than what we have now, and where we're headed.
#Anon has an interesting premise, confusingly, and much too slowly, executed.
It also relies on meant-to-be impressive graphics that aren't, at all.
The kind of pervasive and invasive #surveillance shown here is what many do want to make real.
It has a great ending line, relevant to our increasingly #dystopic, #authoritarian times: "It's not that I have something to hide. I have nothing I want you to see."
And that is reason enough.