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Just going to hypothesize something here... for posterity and accountability to weird strategic thoughts I have when I try to channel this Musk creep. The tech-bro's have already taken over. That is why they are now sending the DOGE teams with armed escorts and guns to smash small offices of the government. Trump is the vindictive figurehead. It's the tech lords running the show, and they're going to do a deal with China to get rid of Putin.

🇨🇳 🇺🇸 🔀 🇷🇺

I'm open to the possibility of something beyond shocking happening. There have already been rumors of revaluing the gold at Fort Knox, restructuring the debt, a national cryptocurrency...

What about, a merger / joint venture with China and the US becomes a total one-party state, USA Inc. They'll leave the illusion of elections, and the Dems will continue to be the useful idiots as they have been for a decade.

The game is no longer Dem vs. Rep. There will be no normal midterms. The struggle at the top is between the Christian Nationalists, the technofascist (Nation State) crowd, and the MAGA base that Bannon leads. Think of Bannon's people as the brown shirts they'll eventually use to silence dissent.

Imagine a chip-access deal or some sort of organized takeover of Taiwan (stripping the island of its sovereignty in Trump fashion) over a set period of time for USA, Inc. to be able to scale semiconductor fabs.

The culture war is a distraction. The rich are stealing the future. :earth: :NoNazis: :ExtinctionRebellion: :NonCommercialUS:

Replied in thread

the first group is semi rational and can perhaps be convinced their bet did not pay out.

The last group has religious belief.

The second group thinks they are rational. Believe own bs.

some are in thrall to #thiel #musk fervor, want to bring on #endtimes. Depopulation is a positive to them.

Traders and speculators are profiting off market volatility, surfing big waves.

Only long term, slow build, conservative investors in this group are likely to be moved.

Rechter Blogger Curtis Yarvin: Der dunkle Königsmacher

"Seit mehr als zehn Jahren hat ­Yarvin Schritt für Schritt den Plan für #Gleichschaltung und #Machtübernahme aufgezeichnet. Und man hat ihn aufmerksam gelesen. Peter #Thiel [ #Palantir] gehört zu seinen Förderern, Elon #Musk ist mit seiner Arbeit wohl vertraut...Schon vor 13 Jahren schrieb #Yarvin von einer Strategie namens #RAGE, Akronym für „Retire All Government ­Employees“ – schickt alle..."


Curtis Yarvin in einem Youtube-Video
TAZ Verlags- und Vertriebs GmbH · Curtis Yarvin: Der dunkle KönigsmacherUS-Präsident Donald Trump betreibt mit Elon Musk den Umbau der Demokratie der USA zur Techno-Monarchie. Einer ihrer Vordenker: der rechte Blogger Curtis Yarvin.

#FreedomCities”: Der Traum von den #Sklavenstädte'n [von #Thiel -> #Palantir]

"Medizinische Unternehmen können ihre neu entwickelten Produkte einfach gleich an Menschen testen, ohne dass es zuvor lange Testreihen gegeben hat. Andere Unternehmen können Arbeitskräfte ohne Regeln für Arbeitszeit, Lohn oder Sicherheit und selbstverständlich ohne jede Form von Arbeitsrechten, Gewerkschaften oder Betriebsräten einsetzen." · "Freedom Cities": Der Weg in die Sklaverei
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Analysis: A new Military-Industrial Complex of the broligarchs?

JD Vance & Musk could push Trump - &, most importantly, Pentagon contracts - toward a new MIC - Peter Thiel's Palantir, Anduril, & related companies.

Eg, "Vance’s private venture fund.. has invested in Anduril & other military/space ventures."

The old MIC - Lockheed, RTX, Northrop, et al - ain't used to such competition.

#MIC #Trump #Thiel #Musk #JDVance #USPol #ForeverWars #Broligarchy . · A New Military-Industrial Complex ArisesLast April, in a move generating scant media attention, the Air Force announced that it had chosen two little-known drone manufacturers — Anduril

Analysis: A new Military-Industrial Complex of the broligarchs?

JD Vance & Musk could push Trump - &, most importantly, Pentagon contracts - toward a new MIC - Peter Thiel's Palantir, Anduril, & related companies.

Eg, "Vance’s private venture fund.. has invested in Anduril & other military/space ventures."

The old MIC - Lockheed, RTX, Northrop, et al - ain't used to such competition.

#MIC #Trump #Thiel #Musk #JDVance #USPol #ForeverWars #Broligarchy . · A New Military-Industrial Complex ArisesLast April, in a move generating scant media attention, the Air Force announced that it had chosen two little-known drone manufacturers — Anduril

First, I thought that I couldn't write fiction anymore because #reality gets crazy. Sometimes, I invent #SciFi plots just for fun, without writing. But now reality gets even weirder. I think that's the plan: We don't believe them. So, they install their #dystopic #apocalypse system while we still laugh about that insanity: (it's also archived).

WIRED · ‘Startup Nation’ Groups Say They’re Meeting Trump Officials to Push for Deregulated ‘Freedom Cities’By Caroline Haskins

Unregulierte Tech-Tests: #Thiel, Altman und Co wollen #FreedomCities

"Im Weißen Haus sollen Gespräche geführt werden, wie man Freedom Cities in den USA errichten kann – Städte ohne Regulierung.

Klinische Tests ohne Genehmigung, autonome Autos ohne Auflagen, Kernreaktoren und Nuklearenergie ohne staatliche Überwachung und eine Sonderwirtschaftszone, in der es kaum Steuern zu zahlen gibt und..."

#Palantir #Anduril #Oklo #SpaceX #Tesla #Minicircle

heise online · Unregulierte Tech-Tests: Thiel, Altman und Co wollen Freedom CitiesBy Eva-Maria Weiß
Continued thread

„Klinische Tests ohne Genehmigung, autonome Autos ohne Auflagen, Kernreaktoren und Nuklearenergie ohne staatliche Überwachung und eine Sonderwirtschaftszone, in der es kaum Steuern zu zahlen gibt und auch die Rechte von Arbeitskräften außer Kraft gesetzt werden. So stellen sich zahlreiche Chefs der Big-Tech-Unternehmen und US-Investoren die Zukunft vor – von Peter Thiel bis Sam Altman und Marc Andreessen. Donald Trump soll es möglich machen. Schon 2023 hatte er im Wahlkampf davon gesprochen, solche Freedom Cities in den USA zu ermöglichen.…“

Unregulierte Tech-Tests: Thiel, Altman und Co wollen Freedom Cities

heise online · Unregulierte Tech-Tests: Thiel, Altman und Co wollen Freedom CitiesBy Eva-Maria Weiß

Is Trump preparing to invoke the Insurrection Act? Signs are pointing that way

A joint Department of Defense and Homeland Security report will soon recommend whether or not to invoke the Insurrection Act over illegal migration

By #BrettWagner

#InsurrectionAct #coup #martialLaw
#us #usa #trump #musk #thiel #vance #kleptofascist #billionaire #maffia
#putin #ruSSia #kleptofascist #terrorMaffia

Continued thread

"The great realignment underway, both inside and outside US borders, is less the product of an electoral tidal wave linked to #Trump's victory than that of a perfect storm. It is the junction of one man's revanchism... and the even more radical questioning of the social contract carried out by some oligarchs gravitating in the orbit of the new president"


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