How two modes works. Exploring map vs building tracks.
Binary is 5162 bytes.
How two modes works. Exploring map vs building tracks.
Binary is 5162 bytes.
Low level UX:
- mode 0: viewport panning
- mode 1: cursor movement + tracks building
For future there will be mode 2 for infrastructure placement/management.
Current size: 5175 bytes.
I'm starting implementing game-play elements. Slowly. This is now hand placed elements but the engine recognize carts (empty or resource type) and can draw one type of railroads.
Binary is almost 5K at the moment.
Implemented DawnBringer's 16 Color Palette!
Current binary size: 4187 bytes
Small but useful thing: added debug state. For now it shows all the decompressed sprites.
Also added more sprites into the game.
Only 7 sprites, 4 colors per sprite, 16x16
64x64 procedural terrain. 2KB com file.