Ploughman in the Fields Near Arles, by Vincent Van Gogh | Everyone should have their daily dose of Van Gogh #vangogh #impressionist #inspiration #print #art #artoftheday #artwork #color #creative #paint #painting
A good friend is one of the greatest things a person can have. Perhaps no one realized this quite like Vincent Van Gogh. “At the toughest, most turbulent time of his life, the Post-Impressionist painter was supported by an unlikely soulmate, Joseph Roulin, a postman in Arles,” writes Deborah Nicholls-Lee. A new exhibition opening at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts on March 30 pays homage to this friendship and underscores how it benefited art history. Read more @BBCNews:
the Garden of the Asylum, by Vincent Van Gogh | Everyone should have their daily dose of Van Gogh #vangogh #impressionist #inspiration #print #art #artoftheday #artwork #color #creative #paint #painting
Potato Eaters, by Vincent Van Gogh | Everyone should have their daily dose of Van Gogh #vangogh #impressionist #inspiration #print #art #artoftheday #artwork #color #creative #paint #painting
Step into van gogh's vibrant dance hall in arles #vangogh #thedancehallinarles #postimpressionism
1,500 Van Gogh Artworks Have Been Digitized and Put Online [Shared]
Few artists are as widely beloved as Vincent van Gogh. Although underappreciated during his lifetime, the large body of work he left behind has since enthralled art lovers everywhere. While the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam remains a top destination to see his work in person, there is now another way to experience the Dutch Post-Impressionist‘s masterpieces. The museum has digitized 1,500 paintings and drawings by Van Gogh and made them available online for anyone to view.
Vincent van gogh's intense self-portrait: a mix of absinth green & turquoise, with fiery orange accents #vangogh #selfportrait #artmasterpiece
Anselm Kiefer exhibition at the Van Gogh museum is right for our time. Kiefer was heavily influenced by Van Gogh. You can see it here with his corvids. But Kiefer is about the memory and legacy of war and destruction. This painting is called 'Nevermore', echoing Poe but also something else. #Amsterdam #vangogh
Van gogh's vibrant church in auvers-sur-oise #vangogh #auverssuroise #expressionism
Crab on its back by van gogh #vangogh #stilllife #seacreatureart
pollard willow
hanging on, just
Vincent van Gogh - Knotwilg
Den Haag, juli 1882
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (aankoop met steun vd VriendenLoterij, Vincent van Gogh Stichting, de Vereniging Rembrandt en haar Themafonds Prenten en Tekeningen, het Mondriaan Fonds en het VSBfonds)
One from the vaults, first published on Mastodon, 12 March 2023.
#dailyhaikuprompt - willow
Your daily dose of dutch art by Vincent van Gogh.
Portrait of Adeline Ravoux