FOR THE EMPEROR! Witness the might of Captain Titus in #SpaceMarine2!
This clip from my no-commentary playthrough is pure bolter-fueled awesome.
Is that Atreus' sword?!
FOR THE EMPEROR! Witness the might of Captain Titus in #SpaceMarine2!
This clip from my no-commentary playthrough is pure bolter-fueled awesome.
Is that Atreus' sword?!
OI, YA GIT! Titus ain't lookin' for no frens! Just lookin' for Orks to krump!
Witness the Space Marine fury in this epic #Warhammer40k short!
#spacemarine #titus #ork #chaos #40k #warhammer #gaming #clips #edit #shorts Get ready for a WAAAGH! of action!
Space Marines never quit! Witness the grim darkness of the far future in my latest Warhammer 40k: Space Marine longplay!
This time, the Ork horde is getting a taste of bolter justice on Graia!
The arms are now on the Safeguard Necron, and the torso has been cropped to leave room for a waist.
That's the basic framework, now to add a ton of details.
Female Space Marine is now all one colour and ready for painting.
Space Marine 2 HYPE!
Leuze being a whole mood in this edit. Who else is hyped for the game?
Bonus, late in the day wip.
Miss Space Marine is now on her base.
I cast up a hollow helmet rather than drilling out the solid helmet.
She has now moved to the painting desk.
The answer was, of course, both.
Although with minimal alterations, the female space marine is likely to be finished first.
As the "new" combi-weapons come with 1 bolter and 4 top options, I have cast extra bolter parts to make use of them all (eventually).
The Sanakan Necron is in the process of re-posing. I'm aiming for the ref' pose on the left, with the S-shape of the right.
Selected head from a Dark Eldar Wych, with the top knot removed.
@cstross You're half-joking I presume, but is that something you seriously think about? "That" being the possibility of your fiction (or parts thereof) being used by real-life people as a blue-print? The repeated exhortations by Games Workshop that #WH40k and the Imperium of Man are a *satire* of fascism and aren't actually a cool thing meant to be emulated seem to be a case in point for authors losing control of their narrative (even though the comparison is a bit weak as GW is not a single author and they make tons of money with the #SpaceMarine games which seem to mostly gloss over the geno/xenocidal nature of the Imperium and of its servants).
Tonight, more Space Marine longplay!
Maybe you only played Space Marine 2?
Maybe the backstory is a bit hazy for you? Fam, I gotchu.
Got Any Big Gloves?
You know what they say about big gloves, right? Massive hands. Calgar definitely played in goal for Macragg FC.
or Calth-edionian Thistle...
Space Marine 2 no commentary longplay action awaits:
Oight youz gitz listen up, I'z de biggest and best so you grotz an' squigz betta stort followin me!
Or at least come and sub to my YouTube channel, on a bit of a drive to up my subscriber count and I could really use your help!
WH40k DoW: Dark Crusade: Necrons [007] #hd #pc #40k #dow #ork #rts #all #lore #grim #dark #base #game #2024 #2025 #full #warp #horus #wh40k #60fps #chaos #eldar #heresy #gaming #necron #replay #daemon #psyker #emperor #capture #classic #youtube #heretic #necrons #grimdark #longplay #strategy #campaign #grimdank #primarch #imperium #warhammer #inquisitor #craftworld #dawnofwar #playthrough #darkcrusade #spacemarine #bloodravens #henrycavill
WH40k DoW: Dark Crusade: Necrons [006] #hd #pc #40k #dow #ork #rts #all #lore #grim #dark #base #game #2024 #2025 #full #warp #horus #wh40k #60fps #chaos #eldar #heresy #gaming #necron #replay #daemon #psyker #emperor #capture #classic #youtube #heretic #necrons #grimdark #longplay #strategy #campaign #grimdank #primarch #imperium #warhammer #inquisitor #craftworld #dawnofwar #playthrough #darkcrusade #spacemarine #bloodravens #henrycavill
WH40k DoW: Dark Crusade: Necrons [003] #hd #pc #40k #dow #ork #rts #all #lore #grim #dark #base #game #2024 #2025 #full #warp #horus #wh40k #60fps #chaos #eldar #heresy #gaming #necron #replay #daemon #psyker #emperor #capture #classic #youtube #heretic #necrons #grimdark #longplay #strategy #campaign #grimdank #primarch #imperium #warhammer #inquisitor #craftworld #dawnofwar #playthrough #darkcrusade #spacemarine #bloodravens #henrycavill
WH40k DoW: Dark Crusade: Necrons [002] #hd #pc #40k #dow #ork #rts #all #lore #grim #dark #base #game #2024 #2025 #full #warp #horus #wh40k #60fps #chaos #eldar #heresy #gaming #necron #replay #daemon #psyker #emperor #capture #classic #youtube #heretic #necrons #grimdark #longplay #strategy #campaign #grimdank #primarch #imperium #warhammer #inquisitor #craftworld #dawnofwar #playthrough #darkcrusade #spacemarine #bloodravens #henrycavill
WH40k DoW: Dark Crusade: Necrons [001] #hd #pc #40k #dow #ork #rts #all #lore #grim #dark #base #game #2024 #2025 #full #warp #horus #wh40k #60fps #chaos #eldar #heresy #gaming #necron #replay #daemon #psyker #emperor #capture #classic #youtube #heretic #necrons #grimdark #longplay #strategy #campaign #grimdank #primarch #imperium #warhammer #inquisitor #craftworld #dawnofwar #playthrough #darkcrusade #spacemarine #bloodravens #henrycavill
WH40k DoW: Dark Crusade: Space Marines [011] #hd #pc #40k #dow #ork #rts #all #lore #grim #dark #base #game #2024 #2025 #full #warp #horus #wh40k #60fps #chaos #eldar #heresy #gaming #necron #notai #replay #daemon #psyker #emperor #capture #classic #youtube #heretic #grimdark #longplay #strategy #campaign #grimdank #primarch #imperium #warhammer #inquisitor #craftworld #dawnofwar #playthrough #darkcrusade #spacemarine #bloodravens #henrycavill
WH40k DoW: Dark Crusade: Space Marines [010] #hd #pc #40k #dow #ork #rts #all #lore #grim #dark #base #game #2024 #2025 #full #warp #horus #wh40k #60fps #chaos #eldar #heresy #gaming #necron #notai #replay #daemon #psyker #emperor #capture #classic #youtube #heretic #grimdark #longplay #strategy #campaign #grimdank #primarch #imperium #warhammer #inquisitor #craftworld #dawnofwar #playthrough #darkcrusade #spacemarine #bloodravens #henrycavill
WH40k DoW: Dark Crusade: Space Marines [009] #hd #pc #40k #dow #ork #rts #all #lore #grim #dark #base #game #2024 #2025 #full #warp #horus #wh40k #60fps #chaos #eldar #heresy #gaming #necron #notai #replay #daemon #psyker #emperor #capture #classic #youtube #heretic #grimdark #longplay #strategy #campaign #grimdank #primarch #imperium #warhammer #inquisitor #craftworld #dawnofwar #playthrough #darkcrusade #spacemarine #bloodravens #henrycavill