FOR THE EMPEROR! Witness the might of Captain Titus in #SpaceMarine2!
This clip from my no-commentary playthrough is pure bolter-fueled awesome.
Is that Atreus' sword?!
FOR THE EMPEROR! Witness the might of Captain Titus in #SpaceMarine2!
This clip from my no-commentary playthrough is pure bolter-fueled awesome.
Is that Atreus' sword?!
Tonight, more Space Marine longplay!
Maybe you only played Space Marine 2?
Maybe the backstory is a bit hazy for you? Fam, I gotchu.
Got Any Big Gloves?
You know what they say about big gloves, right? Massive hands. Calgar definitely played in goal for Macragg FC.
or Calth-edionian Thistle...
Space Marine 2 no commentary longplay action awaits:
Oight youz gitz listen up, I'z de biggest and best so you grotz an' squigz betta stort followin me!
Or at least come and sub to my YouTube channel, on a bit of a drive to up my subscriber count and I could really use your help!
Venom has left the building. #sm2