First segments of the world's largest telescope mirror shipped to Chile
The construction of the European Southern Observatory’s Extremely Large Telescope (ESO's ELT) has reached an important milestone with the delivery to ESO and shipment to Chile of the first 18 segments of the telescope’s main mirror (M1).
Once they arrive in Chile, the segments will be transported to the ELT Technical Facility, at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in the country’s Atacama Desert, where they will be coated in preparation for their future installation on the telescope main structure.
Unable to be physically made in one piece, M1 will consist of 798 individual segments arranged in a large hexagonal pattern, with an additional 133 being produced to facilitate the recoating of segments.
With a diameter of more than 39 metres, it will be the largest telescope mirror in the world.
The final stage in the production process of M1 segments — polishing — was carried out by world-leading optical systems manufacturer Safran Reosc near Poitiers, central France, at a building completely refurbished to work on this delicate task.
As part of the process, Safran Reosc developed new automation workflows and measurement techniques to ensure that the polishing met the high standards required for ESO's ELT.
The surface irregularities of the mirror are less than 10 nanometres (less than one thousandth of the width of a human hair).
To reach this level of performance, Safran Reosc used a technique called ion-beam figuring, in which a beam of ions sweeps the mirror surface and removes irregularities atom by atom
#elt #astrodon #Paranal #Chile