Found some time yesterday evening to watch this awesome presentation by @joenio
at #DebConf23
If you're interested in #audio or #video #livecoding
you should definitely check it out!
Thanks for the nice words @cas
Now also available on #Debian infrastructure:
It was pretty fun ;)
Well doesn't that make me all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that pictures of my passport, visa and more information had to be taken so that I could get SIM cards during #DebConf23
And for anyone curious why I've been doing this:
I wanted to show of #sxmo in my main talk (still to be published).
During my main talk I didn't get around to it, but I've managed to show it of a little bit during the lightning talks at #DebConf23
It starts around 25 minutes and it was super fun (for me at least )
And I have to say: For a tiling window manager (I actually did not show much tiling) it is suprinsingly usable!
Whether you need power tools or your pee pee checked, #kochi has got you covered
Kochi International Airport knows!
Howevee, most people in the airport seem to disagree
Sure, I've already talked to the maintainer at #DebConf23 .
But I want to point out that posting this will not accelerate this.
To be honest I don't feel that fediverse is the right place for this discussion.
It' fine I have plenty of time!
First things first: Time to swim in the pool! \o/
How to adult:
Fail like a pro!
With the power of hindsight:
oof, I'm not sure exactly sure if I'm doing it right or wrong tbh
Breaking the phone you plan to demo with is always fun.
Fixing it, even more so!
Just need a keyboard and run 1 command.
2 hours to go
I'm a bit concerned about the frequent power losses at the hotel though :D
I'll add image descriptions later, need to work on my slides :P
and need to go for a swim!
Edit: image descriptions have been added!
#german #trains are very interesting
#german #laendle #stuttgart #ulm #biberach #meckenbeuren #durlesbach
#np #nowplaying at #DebConf23 in the noisy hacklab, or tecnically in the room next door because the fucking AC is not as bad in here and you have easy balcony access
Later today I will be giving a talk at #DebConf23
I haven't yet finished my slides, so I'm not quite what's going to happen. Guess we'll find out together unless planet earth gets recycled/hit by a big ass meteor - I **am** praying for rain.
#tool #aenema #eulogy #adulting #failure #Librem5 #debian #MobileLinux
And remember boys, girls, aliens from outer space and other living beings:
There is #NoPlanetB
We're all adults in #debian right?
watch *now* ! super funny ;)
sudo apt install anarchism
Time to relax a bit in the pool.
Aaahh this is the life
Kristi is talking about GNOME community and ways to engage RIGHT NOW
The video team needs volunteers!
A lot of people have received training, it would be awesome if you can sign up for tasks on
The conference does not run on thin air, but the sweat, blood and possibly other bodily fluids !
apt install #anarchism today!
In the background of your video: That does not happen to be loopy on #DebConf23 stream, no?
PS: media description is always nice (:
(And it can be a bit hard sometime - especially for video)