Daily Inspiration: "Create more happy!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
In just about two weeks, I'll be headed to Abu Dhabi, where I will speak to a senior group of government ministers and executives for the seven Emirates. I'm quite looking forward to the talk and working with this group.
The process to book me started a few weeks ago, and as with many major organizations, can often become quite complex for a seemingly simple speaking engagement. There is a contract to sign, a procurement system in which to be set up, paperwork to be exchanged, and payment to be processed. In every engagement of this type, there are inevitably some bumps along the way, which is often a challenge given the extremely short booking timeline. It can be a time-consuming and painful process - American Express once had to pay our fee via PayPal because they could not get their internal payment system aligned to our payment terms!
Some issues began to unfold with this situation - entirely not unexpected - and my wife and I were diligently working through the process with several folks on the other side of the contract. There were the inevitable hiccups and delays ... until someone with the title Expert with the Customer Happiness Center Department of the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs got involved ... and pushed our information through the procurement system.
The what?
The Customer Happiness Center!
The job description title caught my attention, as did the idea of a department focused on happiness. Immediately, the thought came to my mind - in this world of accelerating expectations, increasing demand for quality service, and often instant online feedback, what many organizations need to delight both suppliers and customers is a Customer Happiness Center!
Make more happy!
#CreateMoreHappy #CustomerHappiness #PositiveExperience #ServiceExcellence #Innovation #HappyCustomers #CustomerSatisfaction #DelightClients #OrganizationalCulture
Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/10/daily-inspiration-organizational-culture-create-more-happy/