And, of course, our #WestWed leading men this week are Charles Bronson and Henry Fonda
#OnceUponATimeInTheWest #CharlesBronson #HenryFonda
And, of course, our #WestWed leading men this week are Charles Bronson and Henry Fonda
#OnceUponATimeInTheWest #CharlesBronson #HenryFonda
This week’s #WestWed leading men are Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Horst Buchholz, Charles Bronson, Robert Vaughn, Brad Dexter and James Coburn
#TheMagnificentSeven #YulBrynner #SteveMcQueen #HorstBuchholz #CharlesBronson, #RobertVaughn #BradDexter #JamesCoburn
This week’s #FridayThrillerClub leading Dirty Dozen are Charles Bronson, Donald Sutherland, Jim Brown, John Cassavetes, Lee Marvin, Telly Savalas, Tom Busby, Ben Carruthers, Trini López, Colin Maitland, Al Mancini, George Roubicek, and Clint Walker
#TheDirtyDozen #CharlesBronson, #DonaldSutherland #JimBrown #JohnCassavetes #LeeMarvin #TellySavalas, #TomBusby #BenCarruthers #TriniLopez, #ColinMaitland #AlMancini #GeorgeRoubicek #ClintWalker
#fridaythrillerclub 10 to Midnight will always be my favorite! #charlesbronson
Charles Bronson with Alain Delon BOTTI/STILLS
Promotional image for Adieu l’ami.
This week’s #WestWed leading men are Charles Bronson, Jan Merlin, Rayford Barnes, Robert Carricart and John Fiedler (also pictured is Kurt Russell)
#GunsOfDiablo #CharlesBronson #JanMerlin #RobertCarricart #RayfordBarnes #JohnFiedler #KurtRussell
@thefalcon @SunnJax Many of my family worked for the Achison Topeka and Santa Fe RR. One branch of my family came to the US with the Lincoln Land Company from Burgenland, Gols, Austria, in the 1800s to help build the Railroads. There was another film with #CharlesBronson called #MrMajestic which mentions it. I watched a scene where they shot up an onion shed full of watermelons being filmed.
‘Elizabeth Montgomery’
With Charles Bronson in ‘TWO’ (an episode from ‘The Twilight Zone’) (1961)
While the Death Wish franchise hasn't aged too well it's still a reasonably fun jaunt into vigilante exploitation movies with each entry into the series getting progressively nuttier. Main lesson to be learned is to never be related to Charles Bronson or you'll be murdered by Jeff Goldblum
#podcast #movie #action #charlesbronson #review #80s #90s
Remembering neo-noir and action film icon Charles Bronson on the anniversary of his death.
R.I.P. (1921 - 2003)
#RestInPeace #CharlesBronson #DeathWish #OnceUponATimeInTheWest #TheMagnificentSeven #TheDirtyDozen #ActionMovies #CultMovies #NeoNoir #Movies #Art #FilmHistory
On June 25, 1982, Death Wish II debuted in Brazil. Here’s some Charles Bronson fan art!
#DeathWishII #Sequel #DeathWish #MichaelWinner #CharlesBronson #80sMovies #NeoNoir #CrimeThriller #ActionMovie #CrimeFilm ActionThriller #Art Portrait #MovieHistory
On June 5, 1980, The Dirty Dozen was re-released in Italy. Here’s some Charles Bronson fan art!
#TheDirtyDozen #RobertAldrich #CharlesBronson #WarFilm #60sMovies #ActionMovies #WWIIFilm #60sMovies #GrindhouseFilm #ActonMovieArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
@MatthewTitus88 this is definitely Bronson’s most cheesecake-y role (y’know, if you ignore the rest of the film..)
#WestWed #ChatosLand #CharlesBronson
This week’s #WestWed leading men are Charles Bronson and Jack Palance
#ChatosLand #CharlesBronson #JackPalance
Despite spending nearly 50 years behind bars, Bronson has been denied release by the Parole Board.
#Crime #CharlesBronson #prison #uk #parole #hostagetaking #prisonriots #worldnews #worldcrime