In a few weeks I will be unavailable for appointments and other frivolities for a day.
Or two.
#psychedelics #lsd #bicycleday

In a few weeks I will be unavailable for appointments and other frivolities for a day.
Or two.
#psychedelics #lsd #bicycleday
I got on the bus tonight for the first time in 5 years. It was the best decision I’ve made in 5 years . #bicycleday #alberthofmann #phish
Happy #BicycleDay
"Bicycle Day is an international holiday that commemorates the date that Dr. Albert Hofmann first tripped on LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25), while cycling home from his lab in Basel, Switzerland on April 19, 1943."
Ride em if you got em #FractalFriday #BicycleDay #Fractals #Psychedelia
Happy #BicycleDay everyone ( almost certain the guy on the left is #AlbertHoffman ) #LSD
Happy #BicycleDay to all who celebrate. I used to embark on a trip every year in its honor, but kids and age caught up with me and made that impossible. I did write a track about it a few years ago. Have a listen, and if you're riding that #psychedelic bike today, I hope it helps propel your journey.
RT-in for #BicycleDay...
"She Had an Affair with Her Bicycle Instructor Because Her Husband Snored"
The divorce of Samuel Freligh (b.1852 NY) and his wife Mary Miller was salacious enough to warrant several newspaper articles in 1900 NY City.
It seems that Mary was accused of having an affair with a "Bicycle Instructor," and was tired of her husband's loud snoring. When the Judge gave his ruling on the case, daughter Ida (who had sided with her mother during the proceedings) began to yell in protest and had to be removed from the courtroom.
Daughter Ida later became a #Burlesque actress in the theatre.
Samuel Freligh (b. 5 Sept 1852 NY, d. 29 Nov. 1929 NY)
Mary Miller/Muller (b. abt.1858 NY, d. 28 June 1934 NYC)
m. 28 Sept 1873 King's County, NY
Ida (1885-1972, m. Leroy Smith)
Charles Penamen (1879-1935, m. Mildred Barrett)
#Genealogy #Freligh #NewspaperArchives #NewspaperArticles #Divorces #Scandals #Bicycles #BicycleHistory #Geneadons #History
Happy Bicycle Day
and wishing i was at #phish to partake in real #bicycleday festivities
it’s been 20years since i worked at a mtn/road bike component company and still any time i see a bike pic i zoom in to check out the goods #bicycleday
One of my favorite Boards of Canada tracks of all time, Left Side Drive off the 2006 EP Trans Canada Highway. Soaks into every cell of my body.
#BoardsOfCanada #dailyBoC #LSD #BicycleDay
Happy Bicycle Day! It's always been electric! The wheels go round and round...
Happy Bicycle Day! 80 years ago, to the day, the first intentional #LSD trip kicked off the #psychedelic era in modem Western society. I don't get to celebrate like I used to, but I *DO* have this song I wrote about the occasion, in case you want to enjoy it while celebrating...
"Any Day Can Be Bicycle Day (If Your Mind is in the Right Gear)"
happy #BicycleDay! #psychedelic sangha is back! friday, june 16th at the former williamsburg savings bank in #brooklyn, with interlocking zones by #GarciaPeoples, #RyleyWalker & #JRBohannon duo, #lightshow by #macrodose, & more that we haven't figured out just yet. i'll be doing my usual chance operations & providing disorganization assistance. no early/late tickets this time, just one long evening.
Happy Bicycle Day to those who celebrate. Thank you, Albert! #bicycleday #alberthofmann
2 years ago to the day this little bop fell out of my skull almost completely intact. About an hour later I had a rough demo of one of my favorite songs I've ever recorded.
Dedicated to Dr. Hofmann and his problem child, this one is called Bicycle Day!