Gobbo Archers! Classic monopose minis that IMHO still absolutely rock. I could happily paint 60 more. But 8 will suffice for Warhammer Quest purposes... #WarhammerCommunity #PaintSlam25 #oldhammer #warhammerquest
Gobbo Archers! Classic monopose minis that IMHO still absolutely rock. I could happily paint 60 more. But 8 will suffice for Warhammer Quest purposes... #WarhammerCommunity #PaintSlam25 #oldhammer #warhammerquest
Next in my #WarhammerQuest painting adventures, the first four heroes! I decided to paint the bases of these VERY differently from the hostiles so they're much more easily distinguishable when on the board. It doesn't really show through very well in this photo but I added the snow sparkle texture paint on top of the snow and it looks so good.
Sorting out digital #WarhammerQuest assets (people have scanned the tiles, etc, blah)
I mean, it's free from the artist, so let's not be too iffy about it - but why the fuck are the tiles named one thing and the card titles something else?
whqst_skaven_horde_the_bells.jpg is a card called 'The Toll Way', and... just...
Be consistent about naming your shit?
Cutting up dungeon cards for #warhammerquest. I worried about the margins, etc then decided to not worry since I am gluing them to index cards anyway (for this iteration)
Turns out the guillotine can do decent margins anyway if I line up the edge of the card w/the plastic guard
Got a bunch of (2d, heh) printing done at work.
A few more #WarhammerQuest tiles and the main card decks (which I will, for now, just glue onto index cards)
I found someone selling what looked like Chaos Dwarfs, tho, and they'd be bang up for #warhammerquest or similar
Here's tile number two for #warhammerquest.
Found new ways to fuck up cutting it, but that's ok.
Hrm. Hour and a half before world boss in #Diablo4.
Going to try and glue up a tile for #WarhammerQuest while I wait.
The question is - the tiles are printed onto paper, and I want to glue those to cardboard. Do I cut out the tiles, then glue them to cardboard, and then cut the cardboard? Or do I try to glue the page (relevant bit only, to save glue) to the cardboard and then try to cut through both layers at the same time?
Actually, looking at someone else's #warhammerquest tiles, also ostensibly a4, and they look twice the size (ie: a 4x4 room w/border takes up most of the page width)
This agrees with my a3 printed 'a4' pages from the other person and with the ones I had from 20yrs ago.
Ok, had a quick glance.
Looks like all the existing #WarhammerQuest tiles I have are double-size, which explains why they're not a huge fucking pain to deal with (minis crowding, etc on normal size looks like an issue)
Back on the #WarhammerQuest stuff.
Looks like there's a fewwww places to get new tiles, cards, etc.
Basically: you will never lack for content.
So, I feel like I can at least use warhammer quest as a base for my own play, even if I put a different combat system on top?
Also, I did a quick 'let's see what warhammer quest room tiles I can find' search and... wow.
People are still making new content for #WarhammerQuest.
Fuckin' respect.