MARIA | Starring Angelina Jolie | Netflix #AngelinaJolie #DownwardSpiral #FemaleCelebrities #ICONS #Maria #movie #music #PriceOfFame #singing #theatrical
Look out, behind you, gents...
Big walking #puppet was made by #PuenteTheatre - a local #theatrical production company.
From earlier.
#Esquimalt #LanternFestival at Esquimalt Gorge Park.
Big walking #puppets seen in video were made by #PuenteTheatre - a local #theatrical production company.
Stefan, one of my 2 local volunteer models for a past themed fake film style warriors photo shoot in East Sooke. I conceptualized it & worked with Kristin Grant to create the bodypaint designs that I imagined in my head. She did a great job & it was a fun collaboration. She's now based in #Kelowna - check out her website:
The leather mask used here was handmade by local #LeatherCrafter - Rad Juli. I met Juli in the local indie artists community. We've collaborated on other photoshoots with some local burlesque performers. Juli is also a rad drummer & active in our local music scene.
Check out her leather works:
BTS of Stefan, in between shot setups.
He's a local rugby player. One of my past photography muses.
From my archive.
Past #Halloween group photoshoot party at my old studio space in Rock Bay.
Spooky storytime surprise.
Kelly as #werewolf.
Shara as woman reading.
It's going to be #Halloween soon.
Sharing some older #creepy & #spooky shots from my old photo studio space in Rock Bay.
Marina, as a #vampire.
#FrancisFordCoppola claps back in the new #trailer for #Megalopolis announcing its #theatrical release by #Lionsgate #Movies on September 27, 2024 in #IMAX.
This trailer is the best I've seen so far for what should at least be a visually appealing spectacle, even if the #film is a narrative mess, as described.
I just emailed my local IMAX #theater at #MODS in #FortLauderdale asking if they're going to show this #movie (and re-release #Dune2))
The two #trailers I've seen for #Megalopolis look beautiful, but I hate #AdamDriver (he just bothers me, inexplicably) and #JonVoight (piece of shit #Trump supporter).
I'll probably watch it, maybe in #IMAX if it gets a #theatrical release in the #US.
From: @guardian
This is great news, a #theatrical rerelease of the amazing #RunLolaRun (#LolaRennt) in a #4K #film #restoration for its 25th anniversary!
It's a really fun #movie, if you've haven't seen it yet
I'm looking forward to seeing #Oppenheimer at our local full #IMAX theater.
The #technological innovations (including the first #BlackAndWhite IMAX #film) that went into making this #movie are worth paying for, for me.
The story and how it's told seem to be incredible, and I tend to avoid #biopics after learning how dishonest they can be (e.g. #TheButler).
And its 100 day #theatrical release window gives me hope for the future of #cinema.
Lot's of interesting details on #Oppenheimer, #ChristopherNolan's upcoming #biopic (#July21), the biggest for me is that #Nolan got #Universal to give the #film a 100 day #theatrical #release #window!
The claim this #movie will save #Hollywood is hyperbole, but I agree that the combination of a #biographical #blockbuster and "extended" release is a major change.
When I was young, #movies might be in #theaters 4-6 months.
Amazing #technology!
Watching the #4K #UHD #CriterionCollection disc of the #documentary, #ForAllManknd, in the available 1:85 #theatrical format (1:33 on this disc, and a regular #BluRay disc, are also available) and seeing #MissionControl just really, again, amazed me.
As a kid, it all seemed like the absolute height of technical possibility and now it all seems quaint. I mean, slide rules were still the primary tool for mathematical computation.
(Finally) #introduction time:
I’m Tristan! I’m from N.E. Ohio, USA. My background is in #theatrical #design and #production, specifically #lighting design. My day job is working on the technical side of #theatre (or #theater) lighting systems.
In my spare time, I like to hack on all kinds of software, my #ADHD knows no bounds.
Likes: #cats #otters #hardcider #climbing #books #onewheel #apple