Happy 69th birthday to Andy Bechtolsheim, founder of #SunMicrosystems, and driving the start of art of hardware, and now especially networking, for nearly 50 years! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Bechtolsheim #Suntember ends
Happy 69th birthday to Andy Bechtolsheim, founder of #SunMicrosystems, and driving the start of art of hardware, and now especially networking, for nearly 50 years! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Bechtolsheim #Suntember ends
OTD 1995: "Why Threads Are A Bad Idea (for most purposes)" by John Ousterhout of #SunMicrosystems Laboratories. Prescient, written at the peak of SMP & threading idealism. https://web.stanford.edu/~ouster/cgi-bin/papers/threads.pdf #Suntember
OTD 2001: #SunMicrosystems announces Sun Fire 15K "Starcat" with 16 to 72 processors. http://www.cnn.com/2001/TECH/industry/09/24/sun.startcat.server.idg/index.html #Suntember
TIL: "SPARCclassic X" - 1993 X Terminal from #SunMicrosystems based on cost-reduced SPARCstation LX "Lunchbox" chassis. https://web.archive.org/web/20160304093905/http://www.taborcommunications.com/archives/1245.html #Suntember
OTD 2000: #SunMicrosystems acquires Cobalt Networks for a cool 2 Billion dollars. Dot com craziness combined with strategic flip-flopping regarding Linux and x86 made this Sun's worst acquisition ever. I loved the Cobalt Qube for its simplicity and elegance - I have a thread on the bird site about hacking on them: https://x.com/aka_pugs/status/1434577007254261766 https://money.cnn.com/2000/09/19/deals/sun/index.htm #Suntember
1994: SPARCcenter 2000E "Dragon" - First big server (20 processors) from #SunMicrosystems Sales brochure: https://www.1000bit.it/js/web/viewer.html?file=%2Fad%2Fbro%2Fsun%2Fsparc2000e%2Fsun_sparc2000e%2Epdf #Suntember
Stock price history of #SunMicrosystems, 1990-2010. $2 - $250 is quite a range. But what bubble? https://companiesmarketcap.com/sun-microsystems/stock-price-history/ #Suntember
OTD 1985: #SunMicrosystems announces the Sun-3 workstation family. True 32 bit computing based on Motorola MC68020. My personal favorite was the 3/160, and my home machine for many years. I wrote *so* many drivers for this machine. #Suntember
For some this month was #Septandy, for others #Suntember. I say, why choose?
"Virtual Memory Architecture in SunOS" - this is the great work for SunOS 4.0 that allowed shared libraries, mmap'd files, and lots of other goodies. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1icqL3EoQB5eGzeu9j43sKpB03Ow7LoDH/view?usp=sharing #SunMicrosystems #Suntember
"SunOS Multi-thread Architecture" - Winter USENIX, 1991.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ey3K7zzKbT4gNNdSDzjJllgDRhdYtZgY/view?usp=sharing IIRC, this was for Solaris (SunOS 5+) #Suntember #SunMicrosystems
OTD 1990: #SunMicrosystems announces NeWSprint and the SPARCprinter. They were really nice products, but nobody cared. http://ftp.lanet.lv/ftp/unix/sun-info/sunflash/1990/Sep/21.24.newsprint #Suntember
#SunMicrosystems Price List of November, 1985 - 47 pages! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sjv_nqY-Imq_Uhw8mRQLZzhiZmpvy6rY/view?usp=sharing #Suntember I wrote the driver for that tape controller.
#Suntember "The Competition" for #SunMicrosystems - Apollo Domain Architecture, 1981. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kItpVzfQx231d7u5nhUJG34ooZRhoV9z/view?usp=sharing Quite advanced, but it wasn't #UNIX and it hadn't #Ethernet.
The #SunMicrosystems Network Disk protocol was a precursor to NFS that allowed block level access from diskless workstations to slices of servers' disks. These buttons were made to push awareness of the NFS solution - which was much easier to manage. #Suntember
First Global Internet Video Stream? 1992: Scott McNealy's Christmas message to #SunMicrosystems. From John Sokol on FB. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAYF-m1z7o4&ab_channel=JohnSokol #Suntember
OTD 1990: #SunMicrosystems opens the International Center for Network Computing in Grenoble. I got to visit several times. When Scott McNealy visited, he continued his tradition of cutting off the ties of the local managers. J.P. Baudouin (a frenchman with a Texas accent!) was quite upset - it was his favorite tie! #Suntember http://ftp.lanet.lv/ftp/unix/sun-info/sunflash/1990/Sep/21.09.network_center
#Suntember April 1, 1987: "Car in Pond" We erect a platform just under the water level of the pond behind #SunMicrosystems building 6, and place Bill Joy's Ferrari on it. (Along with a Manneken Pis fountain!) The "S.S. Joy" dinghy was his only access. We were kinda scared when he started the car out there.