Preparing dehydrated 'backpacker' meals for easy lightweight road trip options. Can't wait to get back out there again. World news and winter weather have me yearning for the peace that being out in nature brings.
Preparing dehydrated 'backpacker' meals for easy lightweight road trip options. Can't wait to get back out there again. World news and winter weather have me yearning for the peace that being out in nature brings.
Just loaded up my phone with podcasts for the road trip tomorrow.
In nine hours we're off like a rocket, baby!
I am experiencing what it's like to do a 189-mile overnight road trip without my wallet. Let's just say I'd be in deep shit without tap-to-pay on my phone. #RoadTrip #travel #IAmAnIdiot Episode One: Standing on the Shoulders of Legends #adrenaline #adventure #bc #Bicycling #BicyclingGreatBritain #BicyclingUK #BicyclingUnitedKingdom #Biking #BikingUK #BikingUnitedKingdom #BritishColumbia #Canada #Cycling #CyclingUk #CyclingUnitedKingdom #Explore #Kootenays #mountains #NorthAmerica #powder #PowderHighway #REDMountain #REDMountainResort #RoadTrip #Rossland #ski #snow #snowboard #tourism #travel #UK #UnitedKingdom #winter
On a clear day, you can see 5 states from the top of Capulin: New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. The ladybugs arrive for mating and hibernation in late June. #nature #roadtrip #travel #NewMexico
No matter what your pace, adventure at any age.
Adventure at Any Age -->
See full story in ALT Text about creation.
Only took a few photos around Clunes today, was too busy looking at old books. Such a lovely place, untouched by developers.
Booktown is on tomorrow, well worth the drive! I didn't buy all the books, there's still plenty there to choose from.
#ClunesBookTown #Roadtrip #Clunes #Victoria #Australia #Reading #books #author #book #booksale
Today is a lovely day for a drive in the countryside to go to Booktown!
The kittens and Supervisor have been told they're on their own and to behave. So far so good, only a bit of hissing happening.
#PhotoOfTheDay is another of Yosemite Valley, with Liberty Cap and Nevada Fall at the center.
Hey readers, Booktown in Clunes is on again this weekend! Well worth a nice drive in the countryside if you're in Vic/SA
And if you're wondering, yes there is good charging ability all the way through BC now and into Yukon as far as Dawson City. AFter that, on the Dempster Highway, it would only be two more stops to Tuk, all would require slow-charging on a standard 120V plug (24-48hrs) but hey, it'd just be part of the experience :)
Maybe by the time I get up there they'll have some L2 (240V) chargers to cut the wait time down to just overnight.
Won't be happening in the next few years... but one day, I will do this road trip! (YES in the EV of course)
And now a waterfall which is just a little bit bigger than the one in my previous post.
Yes, those tiny coloured specks on those rock are people…
October 2019