Second Linocut try!
This time with some peonies in black and in read! I figured the linoleum I bought first is wayyy too soft for intricate details and become brittle(?) very easily! I am excited to try the harder ones!
Second Linocut try!
This time with some peonies in black and in read! I figured the linoleum I bought first is wayyy too soft for intricate details and become brittle(?) very easily! I am excited to try the harder ones!
Next in my Canada series: the Yukon. The symbols of the Yukon, its official bird, the Raven & its flower, fireweed cover the hand-carved map of the Yukon in this linocut. The block was inked ‘à la poupée’ (with different colours, pink-magenta and black in different areas) and printed by hand on lovely Japanese kozo (or mulberry) paper.
The raven is the largest member of the crow family
I hope one day to visit!
#linocut #printmaking #Canada #Yukon #raven #fireweed #mapart #sciart #MastoArt
Next in my Canadian provinces is one my uncle described as “easy to draw, hard to spell.” The symbols of Saskatchewan, its provincial bird, the sharp-tailed grouse and its flower, the Western red lily cover the hand-carved map of Saskatchewan in this #linocut. The block was inked ‘à la poupée’ (with different colours in different areas) and printed by hand on lovely Japanese kozo (or mulberry) paper.
Eye? Aye
I’ve decided to keep on of these for myself as I like how it looks framed without a mount. It’s a 14.5 x 14.5 cm linocut which I have pressed by hand to Somerset Satin paper. From an edition of 25 prints. The morning and the evening are the same day, but depending on how you see things, so too are the evening and the following morning.
Happy birthday Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace (23 March 1749 – 5 March 1827), French mathematical physicist (who incidentally, did invaluable work in geophysics). He was pretty hard-headed and probably didn’t really have any imaginary friends, but nonetheless Laplace’s Demon is my 3rd in the series of Imaginary Friends of Science. In 1814, when he envisioned an entity such
#linocut #printmaking #histsci #MastoArt #Laplace #LaplacesDemon #physics #determinism #ImaginaryFriends #Science
Happy birthday to one of greatest #mathematicians of all time Emmy Noether (1882-1935), here with her eponymous theorem, the backbone of modern physics. Noether’s theorem links any symmetry of a system with a conservation law. In my portrait, I chose to depict a young Emmy in front of a blackboard with a more simple formulation of her theorem and three specific applications of it, shown schematically, 1/
March 22 is #WorldWaterDay and an apt birthday for Japanese #geochemist Katsuko Saruhashi (1920-2007) who created tools that allowed her to make 1st measurements of CO2 in seawater, raised the alarm about nuclear fallout, tracing it in oceans & researched peaceful uses of nuclear power. A supporter of women in science, she established the Society of Japanese Women Scientists & 1/n
The Green Children of Woolpit is an English folk story about two children found near a Suffolk village, who spoke a strange language and had green skin. This gorgeous linocut illustration by Becca Thorne accompanies an article about the tale in the current BBC History Magazine. #editorial #folktales #linocut
Today’s Canadian province #linocut is Alberta, with its provincial animal, the big horn sheep and its famous flower, the wild rose. The block was inked ‘à la poupée’ (with different colours, green, pinks, yellow and gray-brown, in different areas) and printed by hand on lovely Japanese kozo (or mulberry) paper.
It was obvious, despite the various symbols of the province from which to choose
My first attempt at printing my linocut design on paper, before trying it on fabric (hopefully tomorrow). This is not too bad and I'm pretty happy with the details, especially the bee which I love.
Ps: cutting this lino block took me about a million years and also...muscle pain in my arm
#art #linogravure #linocut #artprocess
It’s #WorldFrogDay to draw attention to the important role frogs play in ecosystems.
Linocut on gampi of a leopard frog.
#linocut #printmaking #frog #washi #leopardFrog #MastoArt
Happy birthday to Canadian medical researcher & #biochemist Maud Menten (1879-1960). Not only was she an author of Michaelis-Menten equation for #enzyme kinetics, she invented the azo-dye coupling for alkaline phosphatase, 1st example of enzyme #histochemistry, still used in imaging of tissues today & she also performed the first #electrophoretic separation of blood haemoglobin in 1944! 1/n
#histsci #linocut #printmaking #womenInSTEM #MastoArt
Today is Spring! The fine weather is back and so are the special offers for Vintage and Anarchist Propaganda!
From 20 to 30 March inclusive, I'm offering 25% off your entire shopping basket in my home prints shop.
Go to and use the code ‘spring’
If you like handmade art, left and progressive visuals and cute animals, there are dozens and dozens of prints to treat yourself to!
#FediArt #FediGiftShop #ArtForSale #SpecialsOffer #Prints #Linocut #Cyanotype #Letterpress #Anarchy #Anticapitalism #Antifa #FediGiftShop
Next in my Canadian province linocuts is Nova Scotia, with its provincial bird, the Osprey and its flower, the mayflower. The block was inked ‘à la poupée’ (with different colours, green, pinks, yellow and gray-brown, in different areas) and printed by hand on lovely Japanese kozo (or mulberry) paper.
The mayflower (Epigaea repens) is also known as trailing arbutus has been a symbol of the province since
Test print with a new linocut. It turned out all right, though I don’t like the soft vinyl block I used for this one. Very difficult to transfer the design, and so soft it’s tough to get details. Around the beak you can see the little nicks where it tore while cutting.
#linocut #printmaking
This is my #linocut of New Brunswick, a province I have visited many times. Its provincial bird, the black-capped chickadee and its tree, the balsam fir cover the hand-carved map of New Brunswick. The block was inked ‘à la poupée’ (with different colours, black, gold and green, in different areas) and printed by hand on lovely Japanese kozo (or mulberry) paper.
Qu'est-ce qu'un paysage chauve-souris ?
What could a bat landscape be?