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On ruling class cult of *I dont want to know & I dont want anyone else to know*

The concern of this editor of a NATO propaganda outlet — The Atlantic, who also happen to be a Jewish Nazi (former IGF — Genocidal Forces of Jewish Nazi regime), is not that Empire's masters are bombing the hell out of Houthis to stop them coming to the rescue of Gazans and try & force Jewish Nazi regime to stop its crimes. His concern is not that Empire's masters are committing crimes against anyone opposed to Western Imperial terrorism led by Empire, thats done in collusion with White Racist European regimes (Thanks "Western values"). His concern is Imperial masters are not competent at successfully hiding their crimes from peasants in Empire & peasants in rest of the world.

Also, the article exposes Empire being the goon thats the tip of the sphere that exists to impose the thuggery & thievery of Western Capitalist Empire over the whole world. In the article they talk about 40% of European trade going thru that route & Empire's masters wanting to sending the bill for the slaughter they will conduct to Racist Genocidal European Imperial regimes ⇒ Empire's military is the mercenary force of not just the Capitalist racket run from Empire, but its the goon squad for the of the White world thats run from Europe too. Western Imperial regimes want to commit their genocides, wars, destabilizations, regime change operations, … & overall thievery in "peace" without being disturbed by any non-Western society. What a nice & moral "Western values" we are all learning in real-time.

Thanks to Western funded NGOs, "Education" & "Journalism", most peasants would have never learnt about the world-wide capitalist racket thats imposed using Western Gun. Had it not been for those who are working despite Western Empire's "Journalism" racket, most of us probably would have just assumed the propaganda & lies we see in Western "Journalistic" outfits as the truth. They successfully conned all of us for so long by controlling propaganda pipelines (so called "Journalism" outfits) & internet is one place where they have somewhat less control (although they are doing their best to control this space too).

Back to the article.

He is not worried about ruling class (which he aids thru his Nazi propaganda outlet Atlantic) doing all those crimes based on secret information, that only Economic, Diplomatic, Military, Treasury (moneybags) goons have access to, based on secret information that is denied to all peasant population under the ruling class racket known as "national security"/"confidential information"/"intelligence"/whatever bullshit "legal" abstraction the ruling class uses to hide their crimes & ensure their crimes are subjected to no scrutiny.

This Jewish Genocidal Nazi is such an obedient little worm, he pushed himself off the signal group he was inadvertently/deliberately added by Empire's masters to a group of masters (incl bureaucrats) whose whims decide who lives & who will die based on a signal chat. He has no curiosity to even know, beyond the gossips & the "intelligence" fed to him by the thugs of NATO & Mossad to control the minds of peasants in West. He is a little obedient servant of Empire & its crimes (that also happen to align with the interest of Jewish Nazi regime).

Large % of Closeted Shitlibs, Shitlibs & Fashlibs and most morons in Empire (+ in NATO) are falling over themselves, about this incident. In their book, the real problem is not the crimes of ruling class of Empire, but new masters of Empire are incompetent criminals, who, unlike the previous masters, cant even hide their crimes properly. This is their line of attack.

How the hell are these morons taken seriously by anyone with an ounce of intelligence.

Ignore the Jewish Genocidal Nazi fuck who authored this article (the article definitely gives us insight into the minds of those who control Empire & this Nazi fuck himself), but even a large % of establishment & establishment-adjacent clueless "political thinkers", dont want to look at the details that exposes the crimes of ruling class & also dont want anyone else (esp peasants) to look what these genocidal criminals calling themselves "Presidents", "Vice Presidents", "Representatives", "Senators", "Secretaries", "Intelligence" (Spooks/Closeted goons), "Military" (Open Goons), … are commiting behind closed doors.

The thing they see as a problem is that peasants might know more about the crimes of their own ruling class. They dont want peasants to know the underlying reality. Being the reactionary fuckers they are, they dont want to know the truth & they also dont want anyone else to know the truth.

These are the class of morons so-called "education" in our society has produced. These morons are allowed to sit in positions of influence to control the minds of peasants all around the world. Such morons exist in each of our society & most of them occupy important positions in centers of power, shaping the minds of peasants, at a societal scale.

@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism #uspol

The Atlantic · The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War PlansBy Jeffrey Goldberg

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@mutualaid @disability @trans @vegan

Please donate, i have exausted my glasses fund to pay for food and clothes, i live in an abusive and transphobic home and im constantly bullied by family members, im extremely poor and unable to work, i need money urgently to pay for basics, please help me.

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@mutualaid @disability @trans @vegan

Please donate, i have exausted my glasses fund to pay for food and clothes, i live in an abusive and transphobic home and im constantly bullied by family members, im extremely poor and unable to work, i need money urgently to pay for basics, please help me.

current goals:

food: 75$/75$

prescription glasses: 0/250$

misc bills/expenses: 125$/150$

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cashapp referral (i make 5$):

monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2

@mutualaid @disability @trans @vegan

When Emma Goldman, the famous anarchist, came to Philadelphia in 1909 to deliver a speech at the Odd Fellows’ Temple, she was met by a hostile police establishment. Anticipating her September 28 arrival on the noon train, assistant police superintendent Tim O’Leary threatened to turn a fire hose on her if she dared to speak a single word about anarchism. “She had better put on a rubber suit if she undertakes to make a speech there, because she certainly will get a ducking,” O’Leary told the press. “There is nothing more distasteful to anarchists than a stream from a fire engine.” He vowed that Emma Goldman would never speak in Philadelphia.

Goldman’s less-than-cordial reception in the City of Brotherly Love was similar to her reception in many other cities where she had also recently attempted to hold lectures. The sharp economic downturn of 1907 and 1908 sparked anarchist demonstrations in Philadelphia and many other cities, leading to police crackdowns on anarchist speakers. In 1907, police prevented Goldman meetings planned for Columbus, Toledo, and Detroit. In March 1908, police repeatedly barred Goldman from speaking in Chicago. In December 1908, she was arrested in Seattle and Bellingham, Washington, and in January 1909, she spent four days in a San Francisco jail. During the month of May alone, police stopped eleven of her lectures. In New York City, the police anarchist squad broke
up her Sunday morning lecture on Victorian playwright Henrik Ibsen, a non-anarchist lecture, outraging her middle-class and socially connected audience.

Empire's new wanna be managers are not that different from existing managers

I have been calling this fucker Nazi for a good reason. Each of us have gut instinct about certain people. That's exactly what I had about him.

This Jewish Nazi has exactly the views one would expect him to have.

The genocidal White European racist fucks colonizing most of the world, then keeping the former robbed societies permanently enslaved to the white world, along with massacring whoever doesnt bend to the racist (Capitalist) European will (+ Will of European descendant regimes), killing & humiliating anyone from the exploited world from reaching the shores of exploiting world (which racists rightly call the "Fortress"), all exists to keep the international capital markets that White world profits off of (as its the beneficiary of the world-wide Capitalist exploitation, which we can identify by looking at the standard of living in each of our societies, along with looking at the military & economic might of the white world on the brown & black world).

This so called "independent" (Democrat) Nazi fucker has been conning peasants for so long, even now conducting rallies to fight so called "oligarchy" (Is Capitalism not a system designed by & for of oligarchs? Is so called "Democracy" not a system designed by & for oligarchs? Is Empire not a system designed by & for oligarchs? Is he is fighting so called "oligarchs" by sending billions to his little Jewish Nazi regime in West Asia & him sitting in centers of power?), we are asked to treat this Nazi fucker with kid gloves, because, Holocaust.

As I mentioned in the past, "progressives" aka closeted shitlibs are the actual reactionaries (+ counter-revolutionary force) that exists to keep actual left from ever emerging in Empire. They are a different faction of ruling class — an insurance for Capitalist class, if other groups (Nazis, Fashlibs & Shitlibs) owned by Capitalists cant fool the peasants more convincingly on behalf of Capital, Capital would deploy this most convincing set of professional liars to con peasants.

These are the most convincing liars of Empire's ruling class.

Apparently, these are the people who are going to so called "save" the Empire from Nazis. What they are instead going to do is keep Empire & Capitalist exploitation machine alive by stabilizing it. All of them support imperial terrorism & exploitation machine, all around the world, no matter what crocodile tears they have.

They hide all the crimes of their class (ruling class) by hiding details of Western Empire's crimes & exploitation schemes behind the closed doors (that they have access to, but are denied to rest of peasant population — because they are so-called "national security [secrets]" aka secrets that expose ruthless exploitation Western Empire conducts around the world), keep the exploited (brown & black) world under the thumb of world-wide capitalist exploitation machine that's run from the white world.

These "progressives" (more dangerous reactionaries) are the new managers of Empire who are going to stabilize Capitalism, by throwing few bones to peasants (best case, which might not always be the case). These are the same group of people who eliminated Left from Empire in the past, so ruthlessly with so called "New Deal". Empire's thugs at the top did not give so called "New deal" because of ideological reasons (or) because they were "good" people.

They threw few bones to peanuts to stop the restive population, as the Left in Empire was insurgent back then & the only way to stop left from growing further is by taking away the foundation of left, by throwing few bones to select group of peasants (to split the left forces, draw peasants away from left). That way, the pressure on Capitalist exploitation machine would be reduced slightly ⇒ Capitalism as a machine of exploitation can be permanently protected from attack by the political left.

While so called "New Deal" was in force, Empire's state goons were mobilized to crackdown on left more ruthlessly so the only space most peasants have (if they dont want to be targeted by State goons) is Shit & Fashlib Capitalist Imperialists, who presented themselves as saviors from "far-right".

As I mentioned many times before, this is the same tactic these fuckers deploy wrt the Nazi regime (in West Asia). While aiding that Nazi regime in West Asia, they try to shift the blame onto "Far-right", in order to protect that Nazi regime perse while conning the peasants that the problem is mere "far-right" so they can protect the settler-colonial enterprise as a whole. Its like trying to save Nazism by throwing Hitler under the bus. Simultaneously, on the otherside, they want to protect the Empire & its ruthless exploitation machinery (all around the world), by blaming just the "Far-right".

This European White Jewish supremacist racist fucker supports USAID (Arm of Empire's unconventional warfare machine), Empire's Imperialist crimes, Supported Palestinian genocide i.e hates Palestinians (no matter what lying face he shows to public) & also hates immigrants. We know he is a lying fuck is because of this reason: If anyone else was bombing that Jewish Nazi regime the same way they are bombing Palestinians, his Nazi ass would have sat in the middle of the road (or) did everything he can to stop it (who knows, his cowardly ass would have thrown few Molotov cocktails too to stop those massacres).

This is the essence of fake establishment "left" aka "progressives" aka "[democratic] socialists" in Empire. They are the most effective counter-revolutionary establishment force we have. They occupy our place i.e the place of the political left, while working for the enemy i.e establishment.

Video source: Hellsite

@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism #uspol

Was linked to this through Gelmans blog

"In the Intellectual Mathematics approach the essence of the teacher’s role is inspiration, and the goal of teaching is to stimulate thought and reflection. The teacher disavows the notion that he has the right to boss people around. Instead he considers it his responsibility to nourish in the students a desire to pursue their studies out of their own intrinsic motivation and interest."
#mathematics #math #anarchy

Social security was invented by Golden Age pirates who provided a share of plunder for colleagues disabled in, by or through their pirating and allowed them to remain with the crew for as long as they wished.

Meanwhile, disabled crew in the service of national navies were simply dumped at the next port to beg or starve.

There is strength and security in solidarity and cooperation.

Continued thread

Viewing the problems in society from the point of view of taxation is extremely problematic.

The problem is not what tax is being collected & what tax is not being collected.

The root of the problem has always been who is making decisions and who is not allowed to make the decisions about resource allocations.

If our worldview is constrained by just the dynamic of taxation, we'll continue to propose the wrong solutions to the deeper problems that exist.

The "taxation" theses that she talks about is only valid so long we operate within the narrow constraints we are forced to look at the world from. State has the monopoly on the money printer. It prints enough to give to the right people, but it doesnt have it when it comes to those at the bottom. Thats exposed clearly when we look at European ruling class & Defence spending in general & State giving free money to so called scam artists calling themselves so-called "job creators". In Europe, they are planning to move the money printer prints for goon squads completely outside so-called "balancing [the budget]".

The abstractions ruling class wants us to focus are false abstractions, as state literally controls the money printer. The problem is not state issuing the money (atleast within societies that are run by a State) but who gets a sizable portion of that money ultimately.

Continued thread

Why should anyone care whether the ruling class judicial goods are so-called "independent" or not? They are "independent" of who & what?

The "law" is not independent. It is written by and for those who control state (the moneybags, the bureaucrats & rest of the vested interests).

The people who appointed to so called "Justice" department are appointed by those who control power centers.

So the so-called "neutrality" & "independence" of law (or) those "neutrality" & "independence" of those who enforce it is a false argument to begin with.

So why should anyone care about so called "independence"?

Half dead Nazi-zombie literally pardoned his son & many others before he left office. So much for "independence" & "neutrality" of law I guess.

Law is written by those who control politics (indirectly via so-called "Justices"). So any pretense that it is independent of politics is a shameless lie (or) ignorant opinion.

#anarchy #anarchism #uspol #law #lawfedi @law

Continued thread

What "attacks" is he talking about?

Some political opponent insulting her?

What harm did she suffer?

Did she lose her job? Some serious financial/physical/harm to her quality of life?

The interviewer is the "law and order", "tough on crime" variety. He's talking about "criminals", "terrorists" and so on. Wants to attack far-right from their right?

She being the bullshit merchant she is, thinks the Nazi regime thats ruling now, is not successful when it comes to deportations. All those migrants in the crosshairs of Nazis & Nazi State, its their headache as per Maa'm.

Is she also trying to fight far-right by attacking them from their right?

She's promoted by establishment assholes like him, says everything you need to know about new establishment. The guy who interviewing her right now is the one who promoted fashlib Nazis that committed genocide in recent elections & he feels at home promoting new establishment that Maa'm represents.

Continued thread

Maa'm is willing to work "across the aisle" (where did we hear this before?).

Crimes of State, Fascism & Capitalism are mere misunderstandings that requires more talking with Fascists who apparently are too stupid to know what they are celebrating & want to inflicts on others.

The problem with fascists is not "communication gap". Anyone who thinks fascism is due to mere "communication gap" dont understand what fascism is.

A racist bigot at the bottom of pyramid doesnt need coddling. If someone can be evil on his own, he is smart enough to know whats wrong too. He doesnt need "better understanding". He need to know his bigotry is wrong & working with others who are already in bad situation is to his benefit. We dont have to be nice to bigots in order to not hurt his fellings.

Fuck him. He has enough intelligence to know whats right & wrong. We dont have to treats racist bigots like they are a snow flake.

Continued thread

By "tough votes", she means, not something that hurt her personally, but something that hurt subject population,. Also the "tough votes" is siding with the crimes of Empire, impose her call will over everyone unjustly & siding with establishment so she can have a seat at the table in centers of power.

A little thread about Maa'm theater (new establishment of Empire)

* Her blaming the "outsiders" (those who called her out) for her support Genocide, Empire's crimes & Jewish Nazism. Atleast she acknowledges the theater is a gig (a more cushy gig I must add) that comes with unjust power (like she has) & great perks she gets from the "gig".

The fakery of Maa'm needs study.

On our fucked up moral compass

If the first image triggers anger, disgust &/ negative feelings within you, where as, the one on the right triggers pride/happy
&/ positive feelings in you, you are thoroughly indoctrinated (fell for indoctrination by all existing vested interests in society).

The ones on the right are the most cowardly criminals, bigger criminals, who blow people to bits from the air, sitting safely away from those they massacre, those who massacre peasants in a wholesale manner, at an industrial scale — committing all those crimes to serve their political, economic & military masters.

Where as the criminals on the left are retail criminals, who do their criminal activity with their hand directly, and they are the direct product (or consequences) of the crimes of those cowardly criminals on the right.

Yet, despite all that, despite the disproportionate criminality coming from the right, we have a whole suite of Academia, so called "Journalists". so called "Activists", a whole society & culture build around hating the former (rightly so), but loving the later (the thing that created former, with its overwhelming criminality).

We are societies that are the products of Stockholm syndrome, with a completely fucked up moral compass, and that fucked up morality spread across society at such massive scale.

@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism