#fascism #antifascism #antifa #antifascist #nazi #musk #elonmusk #antimusk #trump #donaldtrump #antitrump #wilders #geertwilders #antiwilders #lepin #marielepin #antilepin #republicans #pvv #frontnational #vlaamsbelang #afd
Support for Geert Wilders’s far-right party falls in the Netherlands amid rising inflation – The Irish Times https://www.byteseu.com/820354/ #GeertWilders #Netherlands
EU leaders to hold emergency Ukraine talks, seeking to adapt to new security demands without the US https://www.byteseu.com/801657/ #Brussels #DonaldTrump #DonaldTusk #Eurocopa2024 #Europe #EuropeanUnion #FriedrichMerz #GeertWilders #GeneralNews #MarkRutte #MilitaryAndDefense #Politics #RussiaUkraineWar #Ukraine #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesGovernment #UrsulaVonDerLeyen #VolodymyrZelenskyy #WorldNews
https://www.europesays.com/1890323/ Trump’s far-right European allies issue rare criticism over the White House’s Ukraine stance #DonaldTrump #GeertWilders #MarineLePen #NigelFarage #OvalOffice #RussiaAndUkraine #TheWhiteHouse #TrumpAdministration #Ukraine #VicePresidentJdVance #VolodymyrZelenskyy
Putin and #Orban lover Geert #Wilders of the #Dutch PVV is already undermining European cooperation and unanimous decision-making
The EU is demanding a boycott of #EU meetings organized by Hungary, but the #Netherlands (read Geert Wilders of the PVV) does not want this
Acting in favor of the Russian terrorist state and #VictorOrban destroys the credibility of #GeertWilders and his #PVV
In 2018 , 4 jaar na MH17 twitterde Geert Wilders dit. Buitengewoon kwetsend richting alle nabestaanden van MH17 slachtoffers.
#geertwilders #mh17 #politiek #pvv
EU votes are seeing rising support for the far-right, with anti-immigration sentiment strong in Ireland, but centrists are hoping to maintain majority. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/06/07/world/politics/irish-czech-eu-dutch-far-right/ #worldnews #politics #ireland #czechrepublic #eu #europe #netherlands #geertwilders
Just how dangerous is Europe’s rising far right? Anti-immigration parties with fascist roots — and an uncertain commitment to democracy — are now mainstream. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/05/06/world/politics/how-dangerous-europe-far-right/ #worldnews #politics #eu #europe #italy #poland #hungary #france #germany #jordanbardella #marinelepen #nationalfront #giorgiameloni #sweden #netherlands #geertwilders #viktororban
#monday whatever you don't tell Geert Wilders that he looks like a low rent Jimmy Page.
#GeertWilders #ledzeppelin
Recent Dutch laws to tax share buybacks and reduce tax benefits for expatriates — alongside a bill that would cap the number of foreign students allowed to study in the country — have set off alarms at firms that rely on international talent. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/business/2024/03/27/companies/populism-big-businesses-netherlands/ #business #companies #netherlands #geertwilders #asml
Blaming #GeertWilders for the failure of years of #Dutch government policy is very short-sighted and only makes the #PVV bigger
The parties that are shouting the loudest are to blame themselves
The ruling parties have never wanted to listen to the real concerns of a large part of the Dutch society, so #Wilders stepped into that gap
The Dutch population is not interested in endless flows of non-European immigrants
16) Good to see that the #Netherlands politicans have scuttled #GeertWilders chance to become #Holland's next Prime Minister
In a multi party #democracy where coalition building and consensus building are required, the retrograde #politics of the #FarRight narrow power possibilities for bigoted types
Politicians are vowing to roll back green policies and downplaying climate change ahead of key elections on both sides of the Atlantic, casting doubt on whether top polluters can maintain momentum in the transition away from fossil fuels. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/environment/2024/02/28/climate-change/politicians-climate-backlash/ #environment #climatechange #us #uk #argentina #netherlands #geertwilders #javiermilei #donaldtrump #rishisunak #climatechange #environment
Efforts to form a government in the Netherlands are back at square one 12 weeks after an election won by the nationalist Freedom Party of anti-Muslim populist Geert Wilders but well short of a majority. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/02/13/world/politics/dutch-government-formation-after-election/ #worldnews #politics #netherlands #geertwilders #eu #europe
Yeah, America has problems, but before you get smug, explain #BorisJohnson , #GeertWilders, #GeorgiaMeloni, #netanyahu, and so on. We all have work to do.
Réunis à Florence, le RN et ses alliés européens veulent leur revanche
Au Parlement de Strasbourg, le groupe Identité et démocratie, dont le #RN fait partie, s’est trouvé éclipsé ces derniers mois par celui des conservateurs radicaux, affiliés à Giorgia Meloni. Après la victoire de #GeertWilders aux #PaysBas, ils espèrent tenir leur revanche aux européennes de 2024.
Experts say the anti-Islam politician’s decisive win in the Dutch elections was helped by mainstream politicians legitimising his agenda.
#Farright #netherlands #GeertWilders #pvv #News #Europe