Were they discussing Hegel, Heidegger, or Spinoza?
Season 2 Episode 16 "Now Sit Right Back And You'll Hear A Tale"
Holy crap, BpyTOP is amazing.
I've been using htop for decades (and top before that) but oh man, this takes it to the next level I can't resist eye candy.
Yumi Okita's Butterflies and Botanicals Metamorphose from Colorful Thread — Colossal
Taking the High Road from Santa Fe to Taos | Scenic during the winter months, as long as the road is clear - https://moon.com/2018/06/taking-the-high-road-from-santa-fe-to-taos/
A little gratuitous #KellyVaughn #kelgeorgie content. Because she's gorgeous.
also #GenaLeeNolin, #MattBattaglia, and #DavidChokachi
Season 7 Episode 10 "Search and Rescue"
Wow, this lovely short video about a woman who combines #BobbinLace and #embroidery to make some lovely #eyecandy .
"Delicate Beauty" |about Yvonne Scheele-Kerkhof's #lace + embroidery work
#EyeCandy: Landscapes Radiate Light and Drama in Erin Hanson's Vibrant Oil Paintings — Colossal
If you are ever in the baltimore/Washington area, the arboretum in a must see. Free and open every day except Christmas. 440 acres of #eyecandy.
#MichaelBergin, #KellyVaughn #Kelgeorgie, #TammiClark, #KellyMonaco
Season 8 Episode 18 "Quarantine"
@multigreg @IceCubesApp #Animations are #eyecandy that slow down apps.