Yes. My father was a #conservative #Republican. He died while #Reagan was in the White House. My mother was a #Democrat. It was my dad who took me to political events when I was in high school.
He expected electeds to do their jobs. That is, represent the voters who put them there. This why I can legitimately name things Republicans supported that were actually good for people.
- Exploring cloud seeding to combat drought as an alternative to
rerouting or damming waterways.
- Ethanol in gasoline. The idea was it burned cleaner and would be a way to use agricultural overproduction as well as use waste from food crops.
- Universal Basic Income. Nixon supported UBI, but his crookedness tainted the idea.
In the late 1970s, the #FBI ran an operation called Abscam, targeting corruption. The Republican rep for my dad's district not only turned down the bribe, he reported it to the FBI.
These assclowns are not conservative. Move fast and break shit is the exact opposite of conserving. Redundancy is conservative; efficiency is not.