New Artist announced for Summerjam 2025: Curse
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New Artist announced for Summerjam 2025: Curse
Listen to the current LineUp on YouTube and Spotify:
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Folklore read live!
If kissing a toad makes a prince, what about beheading it?
Find out tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
If I've learned anything from #Munchkin, it's that you shouldn't touch random chickens that you find in dungeons. @pixel_dailies #curse #silence #coat
When people wonder "why are so many people dying? why are ecosystems crumbling? why didn't we do anything about this until it was too late to save so much?"
Then one of the people I want them to remember is Thomas Gale Moore.
Theme: #curse
Yep, it's lower rez today. It's been a little difficult getting back to a normal schedule.
Tonight I and my #witch partner are going to #hex #DonaldTrump.
I have some spells, but anyone have any favorite #spells or #curses for a #CyberWitch?
Gazan woman says 'May #Allah #curse #Sinwar, #Hamas' on live Al Jazeera broadcast."
So, whilst working on the roofing project, removing water damaged plywood, the chimney tilted. 4 inches every 4 feet, when measured, but it may of already been tilting due to water damaged underflooring. Aim: It would have fallen on the master bedroom toward the spouse's side of the bed. We are hurriedly fixing, using a jack, hoisting off a metal stairway with rope, and building new support joists underneath.
"May you live in interesting times...."
The perspective in the photo is slightly adjusted and the camera wasn't perfectly level. But the chimney is now aligned properly.
I’m not the sort who typically wishes harm on anyone, but I had a vicious bout of proctalgia fugax a few nights ago, and will admit to wishing it would go on to afflict certain horrible political figures next. #ProctalgiaFulgax #pain #PainInTheAss #hex #curse
Curse Reverse (2023) [4 min] by Caz Shen, Emily Zhu, Eva Bretz and Vanessa Buice | #USA
Honestly, everything I ever really like is generally discontinued within a few years. Doesn't matter if it's a best seller or an obscure product.
OTOH, if this is my big "#curse" I guess it's not that bad?
This is something my local social justice hexing group is doing tonight. I make them a little booklet when we do this stuff so people can add notes about what works for them & what doesn't.
I'm creating my ladder with 13 small iron nails & twine. I will release 1 each day, starting tomorrow, & hammer it onto a picture of Christofacists from Jan 6, standing in front of the Capitol that I mounted to a board. I'm going to hammer them into a circle around the image on the board. I'll post a pic of that when it's complete. I have a saying for each knot that I untie and for when I hammer it into the board.
What’s a small inconvenience curse that would drive somebody insane?
#CriticalQuestions #Quiz #PubQuiz #Small #Inconvenience #Curse #Drive #Insane #StayHome #StaySafe #StayHomeStaySafe
Another technique - some systems that won't obey "agent" or "operator" will detect angry "fuck"s and other curses and route you to a human. Apparently it's basically "Is this caller frustrated enough to make trouble?". I have found it to work a couple of times when nothing else did...