Acrylic on water color paper.
Water color under painting
#art #artist #chronicpain #chronicillness #artwork #beginner #beginnerartist #acrylicpainting #acrylic #painting #handmade #floral #flowers #spring
Acrylic on water color paper.
Water color under painting
#art #artist #chronicpain #chronicillness #artwork #beginner #beginnerartist #acrylicpainting #acrylic #painting #handmade #floral #flowers #spring
Nochmals ein bisschen weiter gemalt.
Zum Abstrakten kommt noch ein realistisches Element.
Bisher bin ich ganz zufrieden mit dem Aktuellen Stand. Aber ich denke das endgültige Bild steht und fällt schlussendlich mit dem Gecko, was blöderweise auch gleich der schwierigste Part des Bildes wird.
Vandaag eens verdergaan aan de achtergrond, wat uiteindelijk jeansstof moet worden. Rechts bovenin kun je zien waar het heengaat. 4 laagjes blauw per draadje en dan nog wat verfijnen. Het is een goede training van het geduld, kan ik je verzekeren.
Maar nu eerst een koffie!
waiting for springtime
winter is hard to swallow
summer comes too soon!
#dailyhaikuprompt - swallow
Golden Sunflowers PRINTS are ready! ORIGINAL has SOLD!
A portrait of one of the people in my life who gives me a "sense of belonging" even though that term is now forbidden in my government. More on this administration's war on words and a video of the making of this painting:
Finished this original painting today! I adore SPRING! Flowers are blooming everywhere and I am totally inspired. :)
Golden Sunflowers - An original signed painting by Sharon Cummings j 30x6x1.5
I wanted to spruce up the back side of my Fairphone 5. I used a piece of good quality paper made for oil and acrylic paint and cut it to size, including space for the cameras. Then I painted this with some acrylic paints. The good thing is, if I wish later to change the painting I just need to swap out the paper.