- and yes, it also plays & sounds wonderful
Further details in alt text
#guitars #VintageGuitars #music #Hofner
One more. Maybe 1975? Age 18. Mid-50s #Gibson L-55. A friend told me his uncle had an old guitar he wanted to sell. Went over there, played a couple of jazzy chords that I had just learned. The uncle shrugged and said, "How about $75?" sold! Had to sell it in 1994 to pay rent when I was an intern at Duke.
The great clean-up continues. Box after box after box of photos, letters, report cards. Lord, how much you can accumulate.
But I did find some gems. My Kent 12-string. 1973. I would have been around 16 here. Naturally, posing in front of Hendrix. I'm very surprised I didn't have my left arm thrown forward like the poster.
My buddy #SteveKimock’s “Rack o Gibsons” at the studio today …
Front to back
‘59 Melody Maker
‘68 Gold Top Les Paul
Early 60s SG
Early 60s ES300
30s L7
30s L5
I visited The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC on Saturday, the "largest art museum in the Americas." The musical instrument collection is always inspiring. I took many photos.
Pictured here: A Trumpet Call Harmonica, Les Paul prototype recording model serial no. 001, a 1780 coiled brass hunting horn, and a Gravikord.
#Guitar a day. 66 #Guild #Starfire. I bought this in the mid-90s for $200. It was cheap because the kid who owned it had “refinished” it using a brush and one of those varnish/stain combos. It looked like someone had globbed melted chocolate all over it. I took it to #RyanGadow, who did a great job of resurrecting it. The #humbuckers are from an early 70s #LesPaul. Replaced the broken #Bigsby tailpiece with the harp one you see in the photo.