#Canadian Woman One of MANY Chained & Held By U.S. Border Security To Meet 'Quotas'
Bernie Calls For 'Major Transformation'of #DemocraticParty Whilst Ri[[ing #ChuckSchumer's 'Leadership'
#BillBurr Torches #AdolphMusk Whilst His Companies Are imploding
#UnelectedBillionaire #UnelelectedCorporateWelfareQueen
#FuckTesla #FuckStarlink #NaziClown
This is #Canada's New Prime Minister
#MapleMAGA's #PierrePoiievre Attempts Trump Divorce, Fails Miserably
'As an American I'm ashamed... ' American Coach #JesseMarsh Defending #Canada , Rips Trump
A professional #journalist can't say it, but I'll say it '#RACISM''
#MSNBC #ObeyingInAdvance #CorporateAntiWokePanic #CorporateMedia
To quote #TiffanyCross #DontEvenHateWatch
Massive Crowds Show For #BernieSanders in Trump States
Trump's Gift to #CANADA Showcased in STUNNING New Poll
#AdolphMusk Caught Gifting Himslef More #TaxpayerMoney Whilst Screwing #Voters
#Canada's Opinion Of U.S. PLUMMETS Under Trump
Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party just shattered Canada’s fundraising record through pay to access parties at mansions with corporate lobbyists, and by selling Canada off to right wing interests.
“Over a hundred lobbyists for Oil and Natural Resource companies, big banks, telecoms, large retailers, and real estate investors paid large contributions at Pierre’s cash for access parties”.
With over 10, 000 contributions of over a $1000 given to Conservatives, more than double that of Liberals in 2024, it’s now evident that Canadian wannabe oligarchs will pay any price to put Poilievre’s Conservatives in power.
“These corporate players will be looking to a Poilievre government for the sort of policies Stephen Harper’s Conservatives implemented: slashing corporate taxes, undermining labour rights, limiting access to social assistance and removing environmental regulations”.
Poilievre’s Conservatives have also vowed to defund and dismantle the CBC, removing our public broadcaster with the ultimate goal of silencing dissent.
“Nearly half of the Conservatives’ new governing body are lobbyists for oil, pharma, real estate and anti-union companies”.
A Conservative win would leave Poilievre beholden to these wealthy corporate contributors and their oligarchic interests, just as Trump was bought by Musk and Putin.
In addition, Poilievre’s Conservatives, flush with cash, will continue to exploit that advantage in our upcoming Federal Election.
Pierre Poilievre is no “common man”, he is an elitist, pay to access puppet who will win the Conservative’s power by catering to corporate interests and fascists over that of Canadians.
Great work by #thebreach and #TheRationalNational on youtube, links below.
#electioninterference #securityclearance #cdnpoli #canpoli
#PierrePoilievre Breaks a Record, Rips the Mask Off His faux ' #workingclass' schtick
#AOC Tells #JonStewart Why This Time's Different, & How To Keep Hope Alive