How effective is the #TeslaBoycott and sabotage?
Very - mu$ks wealth has plummeted by over a $100B, tesla stock prices are falling and tesla rep is diminishing.
How effective is the #TeslaBoycott and sabotage?
Very - mu$ks wealth has plummeted by over a $100B, tesla stock prices are falling and tesla rep is diminishing.
3/3 #TeslaBoycott & #BoycottTeslaBatteries
Or maybe their motto of moving fast & breaking things does not work well when you're making expensive, complicated machines that are supposed to last years... and then you recall most of your Cybertrucks due to the panels falling off!
2/3 #TeslaBoycott and #BoycottTeslaBatteries
Perhaps it's dawning on them that $TSLA hasn't risen in 4 years while the S&P gained ~65%
Or because Tesla's favorability has hit a 9-year low w/sentiment among US liberals & moderates falling off a cliff:
#TeslaBoycott & #BoycottTeslaBatteries Are Working! #ABlueView1/3
Wall St is finally acknowledging how profoundly damaging Elon Musk is to Tesla's brand.
You can help this trend: find a #TeslaTakedown protest near you at
@georgetakei Well, his #Tesla 'gigafactory' in Germany is once again in the headlines for worst working conditions, many illegal in Germany. One of the biggest unions made them public 4 days ago:
There is talk of a battlefield and human trafficking methods: (you can read it with machine translation)
“ And while there’s no justification for violence against car dealers, peacefully not buying stuff is the safest form of protest imaginable for anyone fearful of retaliation by this regime. You don’t have to risk getting arrested, fired or deported; you don’t even have to wave a placard.” #resistance #TeslaBoycott #AntiFascism #oligarchy
#Rightwingers SEETHE Over #TeslaBoycott That's Costing #AdolphMusk BILLIONS of Dollars
Im sure all Tesla owners are fine with this because they love and trust Elon Musk so much: Tesla workers shared images from car cameras, including “scenes of intimacy”
Ex-staffers tell Reuters about internal image sharing: "We could see their kids." #Tesla #privacy #TeslaBoycott
Yet another reason not to own a Tesla: Elon Musk Uses Cybertruck Explosion to Show Tesla Can Remotely Unlock and Monitor Vehicles #Tesla #Cybertruck #ElonMusk #privacy #TeslaCyberTruck #TeslaBoycott
@axiomer Ich wundere mich auch etwas dass es überhaupt überrascht, dass #Musk sich in den Wahlkampf in D einmischt. Man redet immer von #Putin, der natürlich seine Fäden zieht. Aber was aus dem Westen kommt, ist kein bisschen weniger gefährlich. Auch #Milei hat angekündigt, dass er die Macht der Ultrarechten global ausweiten will.
In response to Russian Sympathizer Musk's words, Podolyak, an adviser to the head of the OP, said that refusal to support Ukraine would not end the war, but would only multiply conflicts around the world and would be the end of international law. #Ukraine #Press #News #russiaUkraineWar #9yrInvasionofUkraine #BoycottMusk
#NoUSRepublicans2024 #RevokeMuskCitizenship
President's Office responds to Russian Collaborator, Musk, who called for ''surrendering'' parts of Ukraine to Russia (more) #Ukraine #USA #Press #News #SouthAfrica #russia #russiaUkraineWar #9yrInvasionofUkraine #BoycottMusk
#NoUSRepublicans2024 #RevokeMusksCitizenship #Musk #ElonMusk #ElonMuskMustEnd #Tesla #X #SpaceX #Starlink