#KrisGoldsmith (the bloke with the 'Cops Don't Stop Nazis, We Do' t-shirt) is a U.S. army vet + CEO of #TaskForceButler, an organisation that identifies, tracks and hold accountable extremist organisations and actors.
He is a plaintiff in a new lawsuit against the federal govt that aims to prevent #AdolphMusk and his #DOGEHitlerYouth from accessing private info that could be used to arget critics of #OrangeMussolini and extremist #HateGroups
#farright #extrêmedroite #FCKNZS #NoNazis #USAFascistShitShow #DOGgiEBoys #Fascists #whitesupremacists
I really like that Kristofer Goldsmith of #TaskForceButler understands that #NeoNazis have to held accountable and so do the ADAs who dismiss the charges against them.
In the guide they talk about the laws that they can bust Neo-Nazis for that can unmask them and put them in the criminal justice system.
Something my friend on Team #JusticeMatters should appreciate!
If you are holding a #Pride or #Juneteenth event check out this clip of Kristofer Goldsmith of #TaskForceButler talking about how to hold #NeoNazis accountable.
Be sure to read the guidelines!
"Don't be stupid, be a smarty come and bust the Neo-Nazi party!"
I just found my new favorite group, Task Force Butler
They have figured out how to bust these #Neo-Nazis.
Here is their guide to doing it.
It's really well thought out and based on actual experience dealing with the #PatriotFront at #Pride and #Juneteenth events. Here is Kristofer Goldsmith on the Nicolle Wallace show.