They're back for the Jews!
"Berlin police arrest scores as neo-Nazi march blocked"
"Right-wing extremists aimed to march through Berlin's district of Friedrichshain. However, they didn't get very far as counter-protests blocked the way."

They're back for the Jews!
"Berlin police arrest scores as neo-Nazi march blocked"
"Right-wing extremists aimed to march through Berlin's district of Friedrichshain. However, they didn't get very far as counter-protests blocked the way."
@haraldgeyer Sorry, aber was sollen wir angesichts #Putin, #AgentKrasnov aka. #Trump und #Neonazis in Äntern anderes erwarten bzw. tun?
@anneroth nickt zustimmend
Wir haben >30% #Letztwähler und >20% #Neonazis, also >50% die sich von der #FDGO und #Grundgesetz abgemeldet haben...
Via #MSNBC, March 14, 2025
In the majority #Black village of #LincolnHeights, #Ohio, civilians have formed an armed patrol group to protect their neighborhood after #NeoNazis carrying rifles and shouting racial slurs held a rally there last month
Three Illinois Nazis IDed in/around Chicago:
Three members of a local white nationalist group have been identified thanks to the work of anonymous antifascist infiltrators.
Using license plates from their vehicles and personal details shared in a private vetting chat, an activist who gained access to their inner circle identified the men behind the group as James Hammans (37), Džiugas Dirzys (22), and Arkadiusz Kowalczyk (38). Unraveled has verified the information collected and confirmed the identities of the three men.
The Windy City Active Club (WCAC) is responsible for numerous white supremacist propaganda incidents across Chicago and the west suburbs, some of which caught the attention of local media and police departments. This includes a vast amount of stickering, leaving flyers on vehicles, displaying banners over highways, and demonstrations at holiday events.
The incidents used to justify antisemitism-specific offences had nothing to do with antisemitism, but the offences are to remain in place.
The supposed antisemitic crimewave used to justify antisemitism-specific offences and millions in funding to Jewish causes was in #fact staged.
@lisapoettinger interessanterweise kenne ich keine #Berufsverbot|afälle von #Neonazis.
#Stahnsdorf, #Senftenberg, #Salzwedel: Und wieder zieht der Nazi-Mob durch die Straßen
Junge #Neonazis griffen in den vergangenen Tagen eine #Geflüchtetenunterkunft in Stahnsdorf und einen alternativen Jugendclub in Senftenberg an. Sind die #Baseballschlägerjahre zurück?
#IOF soldiers doing a #racist #skit of "evicting a #Palestinian family"
Good, close-up look at Terrorgram's accelerationist grooming process, using the kid who attacked an LGBTQ+ bar in Bratislava, Slovakia, in 2022 as a kind of case study. (Apparently the authors of this article have been working on a Frontline doc about this stuff that will be out in a couple of weeks.) Worth reading.
And so in August 2019, Juraj Krajčík, then a soft-faced 16-year-old with a dense pile of brown hair, immersed himself in a loose collection of extremist chat groups and channels on the massive social media and messaging platform Telegram. This online community, which was dubbed Terrorgram, had a singular focus: inciting acts of white supremacist terrorism.
Over the next three years, Krajčík made hundreds — possibly thousands — of posts in Terrorgram chats and channels, where a handful of influential content creators steered the conversation toward violence. Day after day, post after post, these influencers cultivated Krajčík, who lived with his family in a comfortable apartment in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. They reinforced his hatreds, fine-tuned his beliefs and fed him tips, encouraging him to attack gay and Jewish people and political leaders and become, in their parlance, a “saint.”
On Oct. 12, 2022, Krajčík, armed with his father’s .45-caliber handgun, opened fire on three people sitting outside an LGBTQ+ bar in Bratislava, killing two and wounding the third before fleeing the scene.
The Petro industry is textbook fascism. Canada is utterly foolish to not deport the Yankee oilmen. Welcoming harm.
Canada, get smart and clear out the yankee fascist infection!!!
Robert Boman, the last defendant in the neo-nazi Rise Above Movement (RAM) riot case from 2017, has been found guilty in a jury trial. Sentencing won't be till August.
Die vermeintlichen Opfer im Budapest-Verfahren #FckNzs
„Nach den Angriffen auf Neonazis in Budapest war die Medienlandschaft in Ungarn geprägt von Schlagzeilen wie „Musiker angegriffen“ oder „Wanderer und Touristen attackiert“. Stets wurde die Willkürlichkeit der angeblichen Angriffe betont, bei denen die Betroffenen ausschließlich anhand ihrer Kleidung „ausgewählt“ worden seien. Es folgt eine kleine Übersicht über die vermeintlichen Opfer, inklusive ihrer Bezeichnungen durch die ungarische Presse….“