#Dustrunner #SoloBoardGames #BoardGames #TableTopGames #TableTopGaming #Gaming
I played my first #game of #Dustrunners and won though not with many points. I had a lot of good draws that kept my car moving as well as some really helpful modifications. I'm not sure yet if it was just a lucky play or if the expansion makes the whole thing easier. But if it is the latter, I like that there are now a few ways to tune up the difficulty.
Tonight, Barbara is going to face off against #Inkanyamba at the #SacredGroves in #FinalGirl
Got my copy of #SpaceEmpires4X ready to #solo to leave a low threshold to convince me to start a game tomorrow or Thursday
#SoloBoardgames #Boardgames
Siege of Valeria from Daily Magic Games
Check out what you get in this solo, dice-driven board game set in the Valeria Universe.
Siege of Valeria from Daily Magic Games
Check out what you get in this solo, dice-driven board game set in the Valeria Universe.
New #Boardgame #Unboxing
Siege of Valeria from Daily Magic Games
Check out what you get in this solo, dice-driven board game set in the Valeria Universe.
Learning the rules and getting ready to enter the dream world with Final Girl “Frightmare on Maple Lane.”
“Whatever you do…don’t fall asleep.”
#BoardGames #SoloBoardGames
Think it’s about time to kick this off with an #introduction!
I’m Sam (he/him)! I live in Seattle and work as a Software Engineer.
A few of my interests I love to talk about:
- #rollercoasters! Current all time favorite is X2.
- #soloboardgames, especially #spiritisland
- #mtb, though I’m very out of practice right now
- #programming: Usually working on some hobby project or another. Terrible at completing them.
I never posted much on the birdsite, but I’m going to try to do so more regularly here. This community seems wonderful and I’m excited to be part of it!