VIsualisation of the central turmoil of gas temperature, around a simulated Active Galactic Nuclei in a Persus-like cluster of galaxies.
Simulations by PhD student Stefano Sotira using ENZO
VIsualisation of the central turmoil of gas temperature, around a simulated Active Galactic Nuclei in a Persus-like cluster of galaxies.
Simulations by PhD student Stefano Sotira using ENZO
I got reminded at a talk at a recent conference that I produced this nice RGB rendering of two alternative scenarios for the generation of magnetic fields in the Universe - I entirely forgot about it, the papers was about Fast Radio Burst (, not really my thing) so it went forgotten...why not resurrect it.
Evolution of a simulated small group of galaxies, with several key quantities integrated along the line of sight on display.
A tale of three simulated clusters of galaxies, evolving in parallel in three different #SimulatedUniverses (but all with same cosmological parameters).
Somewhat soothing, although their collisions are believed to be the most energetic events in the Universe (but happens on billions of years timescales...)
A new sample of swirling gas tracers from another simulated cluster of galaxies. Notice the nice patterns of tracers condensing on expanding accretion shocks on the side of the frame, towards the end of the movie (which goes from z=2 to z=0)
in about 200 timesteps.
ENZO cosmological simulations + Julia post-processing code, all running on @fzj
#SimulatedUniverses #science #astronomy
Fresh for tomorrow talk - the large scale evolution of a simulated universe, driven by gravity, with impulsive release of energy via feedback, seen as hot bubbles from galaxies (left). In magnetic field strength (centre) the feedback shows up prominently only at the start, but the magnetic field (here assumed to be primordial and compatibile with recent LOFAR RM data) dominates. In Faraday Rotation (right) the feedback is almost inivisble.
Sequence of 3-dimensional renderings of a small simulated cosmic volume, which I visualised using "VISIVO", a now expired 3D immersive tool developed by CINECA in Italy once upon a time.
The sequence of fields is a) baryon density, b) gas temperature, c) shock Mach number, d) energy dissipated by shocks
Reasonably proud of seeing the data in my new suite of simulations with ENZO:
the left panel shows the usual gas temperature, the right one shows the number density of cosmic ray electrons injected by star formation (red) and active galactic nuclei (green).
Sources of magnetic fields appear in this universe - which just samples the first ~1/10 of evolution of a big 2048^3 simulations running on LEONARDO at CINECA (using a customised version of the ENZO code), and it just samples a thin slice through the simulation.
Magnetic field strength on the left, gas density on the right.
The injection of magnetic fields here only follows the onset of star formation (and later on of active galactic nuclei).
A beautiful new figure of magnetic field in the early Universe in the updated and final (accepted) version of this A&A paper by A. Brandenburg, A. Neronov & myself:
(earlier paper explainer here:
I've a bunch of screenshots from #EliteDangerousOdyssey and #EliteDangerous that were languishing in birdland.
Elite's a game close to my heart although recently distant to my gaming habits.
If y'all like this one I'll start posting some of my favourite 'astrophotographs' from the game...
Formation of the cosmic web in #SimulatedUniverses :
the boring version
Most of my research in #astrophysics is devoted to produce #SimulatedUniverses
This is usually not the final goal, but the intermediate step to test (and possibly kill) theories against observations.
Since most of such simulated cosmos disappear with a "rm -r -f *" after they have been tested, I thought this place can be a good place to give them their moment of glory!
So starting a @Mastodon #astrodon "exclusive" on this.
...and don't miss also my #AstroPhysicsFactlet series, it's cool.