I can't get downtown today but if you can - please go & support this #AntiFascist #solidarity rally.
United Against Fascism: National Day of Action. TODAY -> February 15, 2025, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at #CentennialSquare in downtown #VictoriaBC.
Organizers email: solidaritynextdoor@gmail.com.
Local #bluegrass band, playing at #FallFairfield today.
Check them out at:
My fellow #FoodSecurity pals were working the #LifeCycles booth. This was one of our first public events offering free tastings of our new juices - made from our B-graded local harvested fruits.
Come see me, at UVic, on October 2nd! I'll be there from early morning til early afternoon, manning a LifeCycles public info, free juice sampling & discount offers station there.
Local clown car drag show troupe performing their group closing act. A trans flag is pulled out during it!
Our local clown car drag show troupe closed their set today with a group performance to #LadyGaga Born This Way song
Another video clip from the fun, all ages drag show today!
Enjoy this #AllAges #DragShow video clip from today
Some more highlights with local clown car drag show troupe.
Bubbles man, delighting the children with huge bubbles
#TransPride support, with Clown Car drag performers
Took my Mohawk sister-friend, Ojistoh, out for her first sail. Gorgeous weather today & we had some nice breezes on the ocean ️
A dozen #teachers from the #GreaterVictoriaTeachersAssociation are expected to show up for a #rally supporting the #LGBTQ+ community at the #BClegislature on Friday.
The rally is one of a series of events across #Canada that day to counter what local organizers from the groups #1MillionVoicesForInclusion and Finn’s Future call the “transphobic rhetoric” of a previous 1 Million March for Children, which opposes teaching on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or #SOGI in schools.
The teachers will be advocating for SOGI education prior to the noon #Celebration of #QueerExistence rally.
SOGI in schools has generated protests in #BritishColumbia which #GVTA president Carolyn Howe said was part of the reason the #BCgovernment recently brought in rules to keep protesters off school grounds.
She said she doesn’t know of any such protests at local schools, but noted there has been “a worrying uptick in very vocal opposition to -inclusive practices around #GenderDiversity, both in schools and in the wider community.”
“Victoria schools have #queer staff, parents, students and we want everyone in the #2sLGTBQIA+ community to know we stand together.”
I'll be at #Esquimalt #GorgeWaterway /Kinsmen park in a few hours to join the invasive green crab monitoring team. It's another trapping/netting day & I'll be documenting some of the project's work.
[ Since 2022, we have participated in the Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ European Green Crab Monitoring Project. European green crabs are a destructive invasive species that removes eelgrass very efficiently, destroying habitat for everything else in the Gorge. Unfortunately, we caught adult European green crabs in the Gorge for the first time in August 2024 through our monitoring program.
We are working with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Peninsula Streams Society to remove as many as possible before the problem worsens. To prevent the spread of European Green Crabs, make sure to clean, drain, and dry off any watercraft according to BC Invasives. ]
Party waves. Not really. So many boats were out today. These weren't as big as some other wake waves from powerboats. I couldn't film anything when those larger wakes hit us because I was busy angling sailboat to counter them.
Astrid(on the left) gave me some good news when I returned from my sail today. The Able Sail Victoria program will be extended into September. I'm stoked! I can get in more sailing practice ️