#FunFact: I did not know until I looked up the words yesterday that "Over the River and Through the Woods" was originally a #Thanksgiving song, not a #Christmas one. Apparently sleigh travel and snow drifts in November were common in New England in the early 1800s due to the "little ice age" climate anomaly.
The consensus of the cafe car on today's westbound "Lake Shore Limited" is that Drake Maye is the real deal but Jerod Mayo is not, travel on Thanksgiving is going to suck because of the rain, we're lucky the Butternut Fire did not actually destroy Butternut, the Democrats have no credibility because they make nice with Republicans, and pretzel buns are superior to multigrain.
Pittsfield is next in about 35 minutes.
Dear the Cute Scrawny College Kid At My Gym,
Look, with that much chest acne we both know what you're doing, ok? But here's the thing: you actually have to EAT to build muscle. The protein isn't at the bottom of that syringe, Bailey. Go get yourself a steak and cheese or some bean burritos, otherwise you're just wasting your money.
To your Gainz,
The pub still has all the windows open, it's a warm, summery night, the boys are still wearing their short shorts, the leaves are changing, and #hockey is starting. Is this the most perfect time of year or what? Hope you're all starting out a great weekend!
[Trixie Mattel voice] Oh honey, oh honey, sounds like my Friday night honey. Hunnnn-eeeeee.
Waiting for Diplo.... #TheBigE #Fall #ILoveNewEngland
Avenue of the States has the best food, pro tip. #TheBigE #Fall #ILoveNewEngland
(pictured: clam cakes from the Rhode Island building, a yearly bucket list item)