(6 februari 1932, Parijs - 21 februari 1984, Neuilly)
(6 februari 1932, Parijs - 21 februari 1984, Neuilly)
Jules and Jim.
Oh, I envy you. A magical film, a cinematic fairy tale.The acting is flawless, and Oskar Werner especially is in a league of his own. A film from a different era of film-making, yet once we accept its otherness, it speaks to us with urgency and immediacy. Just thinking about this film puts a smile on my face!
How the American French Film Festival Move to Fall Gives It Awards Season Energy
#Variety #Features #Festivals #FrancoisTruffaut #TAFF #TheAmericanFrenchFilmFestival
How François Truffaut’s ‘400 Blows’ Inspired George Sikharulidze’s Coming-of-Age Tale ‘Panopticon’
#Variety #Global #News #FrançoisTruffaut #GeorgeSikharulidze #KarlovyVaryFilmFestival
#Bales2023FilmChallenge November 14: a child reading on #YoungReadersDay
#FrançoisTruffaut explores L'enfant sauvage (1970) right when the idea of the noble savage seemed to lock on with counterculture. With #Truffaut as Victor's tutor Itard in front of the camera, directly guiding amateur child actor (and “gipsy”) Cargol, the film not only reimagines Victor's fate, but reenacts Western presumed enlightenment over The Other ☞
“Hitchcock loves to be misunderstood, because he has based his whole life around misunderstandings.”
François Truffaut
In the fall of 1962, #FrançoisTruffaut made long interviews with #AlfredHitchcock in the Universal Studios offices.
(The Hitchcock/Truffaut Tapes)
On June 6, 2017, Fahrenheit 451 was released on DVD in Brazil. Here’s some Oskar Werner art!
#Fahrenheit451 #FrancoisTruffaut #OskarWerner #SciFi #RayBradbury #ScienceFiction #DytopianSciFi #PinewoodStudios #DystopianFilm #SciFiMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#FrançoisTruffaut chez lui avec sa collection de films - 1981
On April 5, 2021, Breathless was screened at the Hong Kong International Film Festival. Here’s some Jean Seberg art to celebrate!
#Breathless #ABoutDeSouffle #OutOfBreath #JeanLucGoddard #FrancoisTruffaut #JeanSeberg #NewWaveFilm #FrenchNewWave #NewWaveCinema #CrimeDrama #FrenchFilm #Art #Drawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
Day for Night (François Truffaut, 1973) #DayforNight #FrançoisTruffaut #TCMParty #film #movie #cinema #films #movies