It’s funny to me how Henry and Abner are both technically chestnut, yet their coat colors can look very different. If I hadn’t done a bunch of reading about #Haflinger #horses when I adopted Abner, I would call him a #palomino.
It’s funny to me how Henry and Abner are both technically chestnut, yet their coat colors can look very different. If I hadn’t done a bunch of reading about #Haflinger #horses when I adopted Abner, I would call him a #palomino.
@Neddyo OMG! That Matt Berry?! #AlwaysLearning
@jon love Vivaldi. I would like to work with Vivaldi. I am a Psychologist MD and Holistic doctor, I would love to be their ear, trusted confidant and friend. Are they hiring? I offer online, private sessions at their preferred video platform. I use Proton Mail, no choice, my clients come first, privacy. I prefer holistic medine over modern, can't prescribe out of the United states of America, need to get licensed in Europe, I am a resident of the EU. #nevergoingback to the #dividedstatesofamerica #loveGermany and & #lovenetherlands #openminded #alwayslearning #godblessatheisttoo
I am quite unreasonably proud of myself for this, sketched freehand to guide my needle.
A few years ago I would have painfully traced this. I haven't yet got used to my increasing facility with a pen.
@histodons @numismatics And one benefit about revisiting this piece - and a confession: I initially had this coin listed as 1915, but
A) this coin wasn't issued until 1916, and
B) the year is "年 七 正 大" which is year 7, or 1918.
Hello, it's been a while so I figured it was a good time for a re-introduction! I'm Megan, I enjoy posting random glimpses into my life and the thoughts that accompany them, as well as boosting bits I enjoy.
I'm into:
- fiber arts (knitting, crochet, cross-stitch)
- security engineering
- learning what I can
- a general love of cats, goats, and sheep
- nature
- Everquest 2
Looking forward to meeting new people and finding old friends here.
Another sunny day for the #ArtAdventCalendar.
I'm frankly astonished by this one. It's absolutely not a subject I would choose - it involves painting people, eek! - and I did it as part of an online workshop, all of which would normally result in something that would go in the bin, and certainly not be shown to anyone!
But this is atmospheric, I think, and if not actually accurate, it is at least lively.
Good morning tooters. Goodness I’m slacking off today, woke just before 6am, but it was so cold I put the heater on & jumped back into bed & fell asleep again until after 7am. It’s now 9am & I’d normally be well on the move by now, my back is feeling a little odd & a bit uncomfortable though. My knees are also a little on the sore side, so today I’m going to have a rest day. I had a massage yesterday afternoon & it was remedial which is why I’m feeling as I do I think.
A rest day for me means no physical exercise. Instead I will do some garden work. My massage therapist gave me an Asian Greens plant - Giant Red Mustard, so I’m going to plant that, plus throw in some marigold seeds around it. I also bought myself my first ever drill, nothing fancy, an Ozito one & I need to learn how to use it properly. I’ll have holes in everything soon . #HumpDay #AlwaysLearning
Have a lovely day everyone.
Was just thinking about oceans a bit and came to learn that in 2000, the Southern Ocean was demarcated and named as a unique body of our world's oceans. This was not in my education in the 80's and 90's, so have now added a fifth ocean to my understanding. Does make a lot of sense as it seemed southern waters just kept going until they hit Antarctica? That felt like a loose thread that needed tidying up -- and it was. But, just learning about it now. #AlwaysLearning
Something I learned yesterday, as we were driving to a Turkish restaurant in Harrogate, is that Crimplene—the once lauded but later derided polyester clothing fabric—was named in part for the Crimple Valley, which we happened to be passing through when Tina mentioned it.
@bodhipaksa Thanks for letting me know about the CamelCase tip. #AlwaysLearning Yes, I moved from a self-hosted Mastodon instance to this one... It was smooth sailing and I'm glad to still get to connect with those I was connected with, previously.
The Beauty of Baseball Is That It's a Never-Ending Learning Process. Stay Receptive to New Ideas and Techniques, and You'll Become a More Versatile Player. #ContinuousImprovement #SportsGrowth #AlwaysLearning #EmbraceChange #AdaptToExcel #BaseballJourney #SkillEnhancement
@c0nc0rdance Thank you! I did not know that until today. #AlwaysLearning #scifi
I was today years old when I realized you can click the Safari icon on an article in iPhone, click the aA and choose Show Reader to read the article with no ads. Beautiful!
The worst part of maintaining code is having to go back and look at old garbage from a time when you thought you knew what you were doing.
Intro time!
Hello, I'm Megan.
I have a lot of random thoughts, and will likely post them here.
Last year I took the leap into AppSec from a more general Infosec background. This year, I'm looking at security engineering and programming more generally.
Hobbies and hashtags below.
#knitting #crocheter #AlwaysLearning #BringMeCatMemes #Infosec #WomenWhoCode #WomenInTech #python #csharp #snow #minnesota #introduction
@bourgwick I'm reading Heads and learned about the Dead - Keith Haring connection. Thank you!! #alwayslearning
I'm excited to start the @utrechtuniversity Educational Leadership Program! The program combines management skills, Educational Sciences training, and quality time with my fellow teachers for reflection. What's not to love?
#education #ProfessionalDevelopment #AlwaysLearning #AcademicLife #Academia
@jewwhohasitall Wait, I thought Yosef was one of yours! Oh well, I'll pop round to Tempest Moonshadow's with a dream oracle deck that didn't work out for me and a coffee table book about Egypt, I'm sure she'll like that. You know how Christian converts are, much more interested in marking every little observance than people born into it. (By the way, I knew about the plagues of darkness and insects in your emoji parade, but not the plague of bananas! #ally #AlwaysLearning)
Is it just me, or is doing a sustainability challenge to "earn swag" a bit... odd?
RT @MrKeithAtherton
NDC London Challenge: Sustainability & Accessibility on @MicrosoftLearn is HIGHLY recommended!
Thanks @adamj89 @msdevUK for the heads-up:
#MicrosoftLearn #AlwaysLearning #CloudSkillsChallenge #Sustainability #Accessibility #Microsoft