Light Study #171 by Kittichai Rueangchaichan (Razaras)
Dieses "kleine" Bild hat mich ganz schön auf Trab gehalten. Immerhin sollte es rechtzeitig für den Schnellstarter fertig werden. :)
Den Myranor Schnellstarter, findet ihr hier zum download (unbezahlte Werbung, und so):
Vagira Ode
Another Ko-Fi Broomstick Tier reward for Kin of an NPC in one of his campaigns! I had fun drawing this buff orc lady :D
I share a sketch of a #Mausritter location.
Legend has it that a long-ago invasion of bizarre, enchanted insects forced the abandonment of this fortress, which now lies in wait for intrepid adventurers to reclaim it.
Detail of an illustration I finished last month.
For a civil disobedience themed TTRPG.
Raerean [Sketch]
My little D&D, mobster, assassin elf. Warm up sketch. I used a reference from but I don't know how to link to the actual photo.
The Spirits Witch by Stephanie Brown
Vampress cleric by ckimart
Artificial Human By Emil Bilalov
Far from finished, but this is the extended shape the improved land of Nicea. The new sections are to the far west and east. Seeing the ocean on both sides really frames the continent and aesthetically improves the map more than I would have guessed. Next I need to add forest details to the west, then colour and the border needs work. #shadows #mapping #dndmap #dndcartography #cartography #cartographer #rpg #dnd #roleplaying #fantasy #map #ttrpgart #largemap #gamesmaster #rpggame #dndcreatives
Dwarf paladin by Iromonik
Knight by bunnyluvrrr_
Brawler by Tomasz Ryger
for "The Hunters A.D. 1492" by Officina Monstrorum
I’m back once again to the magical land of Nicea. The client has been using the map in family games and now wants to extend the map to the east and west so it shows the whole continent which will look great. There is so much this map taught me, I love the spherical projection, I really want to draw a world map this way at some point. #shadows #mapping #dndmap #dndcartography #cartography #cartographer #rpg #dnd #roleplaying #fantasy #map #ttrpgart
Some new Strang Beorn art