I got to play Cyberpunk RED: Combat Zone last night, and it was good! As is not unusual for miniature war games, it was nine months from purchase of the game to playing fully painted.
You may have seen me say, here, that I found a local store that supports the game and has weekly scheduled time for tables to play.
When I got to the shop, I was expected, and my tutor had a full table set up with two 75-point gangs ready to go. We reviewed the rules and quickly got to it.
While my opponent had store models ready, I'd brought my own, my set is fully painted. When I pulled them out, I was met with oohs and ahhs which I greatly appreciated for all my work
. I was the only person playing painted models, which was I admit a little disappointing, but I'd rather play against grey than not play at all.
The game flows very well. It's an "I go, you go" turn structure, but instead of fixed rounds each player may use an activation to "refresh" their units. It ended up being pretty intuitive after a single round.
I'll certainly play again as I have time, though Battletech is getting the lion's share of my play time these days. I'm tempted to buy and paint one more gang so that my group can play with me at home.
Have you gotten your set to the table yet?