No....not spoiled...nope !!
No....not spoiled...nope !!
We're baaaack
She chose to get on that stump. She said "My fans are waiting, I must give them everything. Photograph me like you've never photographed me."
Rocky recovering after a teeth clean and the rotten ones extracted #dogsofmastodon #dog
Summer and I were anxious to hit the trail this morning. The sun was barely up and the shadows were long. It was not the best conditions for photos. At least, with my phone camera.
We were early enough to miss all the other dogs walkers who will converge on this trail in a few hours.
So beautiful.
The air was clear, the wind was warm, and the company was excellent. We could hear critters around us even if we don't see them all.
We watched the resident owl hunt along with many other birds of prey. We made some nesting ducks nervous, but not on purpose.
Summer was just plain happy.
Good morning, Mastodon.
#Summer #DogsOfMastodon
I have no idea how many dogs it's going to take for you to have a good day today, so I am giving you a picture of all of them.
Salut le Fédi, est ce qu'il y aurait des gens qui connaissent un peu ce site, et en particulier le calculateur de gamelles ?
Wisst ihr, wie viel ihr für das Futter eures Hundes / eurer Katze pro Tag ausgebt?
Have I mentioned I'm fostering the sweetest seniors? Kodah, Rottie Mix is 9 and on a weight reduction plan so she can get her teeth done. Her long time roommate, Onyx is an 11 year old Hound, Bull dog mix ( but looks like a Great Dane).
They are the chillest dogs, looking for a loving retirement home through the #WestKootenay #BCSPCA
Oh no. I didn't post a 'goodnightfriends' last night! Ugh, it was a late and disorganized night!
But we're still here, and I hope you'll accept a photo of Sgt Scruffy, and knowledge that we got to visit with him, as a consolation.
It's only 8.45 Dad, and I'm already wore out !!