Cities Skylines II! You know I had to dive in! After countless hours in the original, I'm exploring everything the sequel has to offer. Join me for this no commentary longplay! Let's build a city together!
Cities Skylines II! You know I had to dive in! After countless hours in the original, I'm exploring everything the sequel has to offer. Join me for this no commentary longplay! Let's build a city together!
I'm now streaming, come hang out!
Satisfactory & Chill
[Cities Skylines 1] New Creator Packs & Mini-Patch | Available Now for Cities: Skylines
Looking for recommendations for DLCs/mods/add-ons for Cities Skylines. I have the base game and some of the early DLCs. But what should I get from the Steam Spring Sale to make the game better/expanded/more realistic? #gaming #pcgaming #citiesskylines #citybuilders #sims
Looking for recommendations for DLCs/mods/add-ons for Cities Skylines. I have the base game and some of the early DLCs. But what should I get from the Steam Spring Sale to make the game better/expanded/more realistic? #gaming #pcgaming #citiesskylines #citybuilders #sims
Yeah, es ist Samstag. Und nachdem ich mich heute schon ganz viel um die Kids gekümmert habe, bekomme ich jetzt eine Auszeit
Es wären zwar auch unzählige Dinge im Haushalt zu tun. Aber jetzt werde ich erst mal in Cities Skylines
Da hab ich schon den ganzen Tag unglaublich Lust drauf und das gönn ich mir jetzt
Man sieht sich
#Gaming #citiesskylines
The recent marketing "art" for Cities Skylines II is all AI slop.
Is Colossal Order going out of business? Is Paradox? Definitely looks like they are desperately trying to save a few measly bucks.
#CitiesSkylines turns 10 years old!
And so Colossal Order are releasing DLCs to both CS1 & #CitiesSkylines2.
Since the launch of CS2 a year and a half ago didn't go well and like half the players are stilll on CS1, CO are still making new content for CS1. I really like that.
Cities: Skylines 10th anniversary will bring updates and DLC for both games
Cities: Skylines 10th anniversary will bring updates and DLC for both games
#CitiesSkylines #CitiesSkylinesII #Gaming #PCGaming
Cities: Skylines 10th annivers...
The latest in my Cities Skylines II playthrough released today!
@trantion @MegaMichelle
I used to play #CitiesSkylines quite a lot, and I also spent thousands of hours with #Civ3 up to #Civ6 over the last couple of decades. I often tried to guide my residents-cities-nations toward responsible, sustainable living, but the games aren't really set up for that. Eventually I found it just too frustrating, too much of a reminder of what a mess our modern consumerist culture has made of the world, and I quit playing.
If you've ever watched my stuff before, you know I LOVE Cities Skylines
Latest CS2 video just went live, thought I'd plug the playlist, so you can catch up from the start, if you want to!
I don't talk, so it's just the gameplay; the whole gameplay. JSYK!
@george @MegaMichelle Again, with #CitiesSkylines, I think of all the people I saw begging for help with traffic, where every road was at least 4 lanes wide and traffic flow was below 10%. Meanwhile, my city had barely any roads more than 2 lanes, and there were only a handful of traffic hotspots because cars had about 30% modal share.
If people don't think about giving alternatives to driving, they won't find the solution
@MegaMichelle I did more or less that with my last #CitiesSkylines game, although it doesn't have any explicit 15 minute city target. In fact, people would happily cycle from one end of the city to an outlying village at the other end of the map if you build the infrastructure. They'll also cycle straight over a hill instead of going round, which is a bit of a weak point in the algorithm
I play a lot of city builder games. I wrote an article of the best ones you can play right now in 2025!
You can construct cyclable cities in Cities: Skylines I, but to create dedicated bike paths you might need the After the dark DLC. Note also the dedicated public transport and services bridge. Like in real life closing this bridge to general trafic greately reduced traffic jams downtown. #citiesskylines #cyclability #bike #gaming #bikeinfrastructure #urbanism