Mission mode change detected, now in Monument Mode.
Goodnight friends.
Blue Ghost’s final message as it signs off from the Moon
Mission mode change detected, now in Monument Mode.
Goodnight friends.
Blue Ghost’s final message as it signs off from the Moon
The moment the #BlueGhost went silent at 23:15 UTC tonight as observed with the Bochum dish: https://x.com/amsatdl/status/1901416992537505801 - ten minutes later Firefly Aerospace distributed the 'final message' https://x.com/Firefly_Space/status/1901414669677449256 but it isn't clear if or when it was actually transmitted from the Moon. And we also weren't told whether the planned post-sunset observations of the lunar horizon were carried out and whether any data were received before the battery died.
Not everyone’s rockets are blowing up:
High resolution image of the eclipse seen from the Moon by #BlueGhost. You can also spot Mercury (left) and Venus (right) just above the eclipse! This is amazing!!!
Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qRZAU
Out of this world footage captured from the Moon by the #BlueGhost lander during the solar eclipse.
Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qRZAUk
#FireflyAerospace #BGM1 #Moon #Earth #SolarEclipse #science #STEM #space #news #photography #astronomy #astrodon
Here is a time-lapse video posted by Firefly Aerospace of the solar eclipse and "diamond ring" seen by the Blue Ghost Lander last night.
The glowing ring of the eclipse is also reflected on the solar panel.
The large ring seen in the reflection on the solar panel is clearly an artifact.
Earth looks small because of the wide angle lens.
#BlueGhost healthily survived the ~2 hours of totality with little sunlight to charge its batteries.
Images *from the moon* of the sun and earth during the lunar eclipse. It's like a lunar solar eclipse!
#space #moon #eclipse #firefly #blueghost
Space.com: "Wow! Private lunar lander watches 'diamond ring' eclipse from the surface of the moon (photo)"
And here it is, the first picture of a total #SolarEclipse from the surface of the Moon since 1967, taken by the #BlueGhost this morning: https://www.flickr.com/photos/fireflyspace/54386246629/in/album-72177720313239766 - remember that this may look like your typical #DiamondRing picture at first, but with a total eclipse from Earth caused by the Moon the latter has the same size as the Sun, and it's the bright inner corona that closes the ring. Here it is the Earth's atmosphere forward-scattering sunlight and totally overwhelming the corona.
During tonight's total #LunarEclipse the #BlueGhost lander on the Moon will try to observe a #SolarEclipse by the Earth: see https://fireflyspace.com/news/blue-ghost-mission-1-live-updates/ (13 March update) for details. The only such observation from the lunar surface so far had been perforned by Surveyor III in 1967 (left image; see https://www.facebook.com/groups/SolarEclipseChasers/posts/4879374148751486/ for what's going on) - and even Blue Ghost's wide-angle camera should see at least as much detail of the backlit atmosphere as its March 3rd Earth image on the right demonstrates.
NASA Cameras on Blue Ghost Capture First-of-its-Kind Moon Landing Footage. The Stereo Cameras for Lunar-Plume Surface Studies (SCALPSS) 1.1 instrument took the images during the descent and successful soft landing.
Credit: NASA/Olivia Tyrrell
https://www.nasa.gov/general/nasa-cameras-on-blue-ghost-capture-first-of-its-kind-moon-landing-footage #BGM1
The landing of the #BlueGhost on March 2nd as seen by the Stereo Cameras for Lunar-Plume Surface Studies (SCALPSS): snyched video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emebSgs1f2w and explanation in https://www.nasa.gov/general/nasa-cameras-on-blue-ghost-capture-first-of-its-kind-moon-landing-footage/
Blue Ghost: Spektakuläres Video zeigt die geglückte Mondlandung der Sonde - t3n – digital pioneers
https://t3n.de/news/blue-ghost-spektakulaeres-video-zeigt-die-geglueckte-mondlandung-der-sonde-1677130/ #FireflyAerospace #Raumsonde #BlueGhost #Mondlandung
LISTER Drill Surface Operations. NASA's instrument for subsurface thermal exploration began drilling into the surface shortly after landing to determine the heat flow from the interior of the Moon.
Released Mar. 10, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace
From the #LPSC 'NASA Night' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns4sVQ81DiI a list of the next #CLPS missions: NASA will have more Stereo Cameras for Lunar Plume-Surface Studies (SCALPSS) on #BlueOrigin's HLS test lander. They also reported superb results from #BlueGhost with 6 of the NASA experiments already completed and the remainder being done once the hot noon is over. Not much came out of #Athena, obviously, and they're still trying to make contact with the Lunar Trailblazer - no indication of the hope level ...
Hackaday Links: March 9, 2025 - It’s been a busy week in space news, and very little of it was good. We’ll start w... - https://hackaday.com/2025/03/09/hackaday-links-march-9-2025/ #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #righttorepair #blueghost #bricking #firmware #starship #brother #firefly #printer #saturnv #slider #legday #spacex #warner #moom #nasa #drm #dvd #rud
NASA released a video of a thermal probe drilling into the Moon's surface. LISTER was brought to the Moon by Blue Ghost, the spacecraft that successfully landed last Sunday (2 Mar 2025).
Deployment of the Lunar Magnetotelluric Sounder (LMS) electrodes to the surface and a 8-foot mast above the top deck. LMS will be used to characterize the structure and composition of the Moon’s mantle.
Mar. 7, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qQzm68
PlanetVac in action!
Video by @thesheetztweetz