Dissent video in 23-55805 Duncan v. Bonta
RE: Magazine capacity
Dissent video in 23-55805 Duncan v. Bonta
RE: Magazine capacity
#GunOwners don't understand that they only have a #2A because we have a #1A in the first place.
We are only allowed to keep our guns because we can change our government through peaceful actions.
Once you take away the first amendment, you can only change the government through force, and they will make sure to take away the guns in the name of public safety.
#GunOwners #2A #1A #FreeMahmoudKhalil #FreedomofSpeech #SocialistGunClub
There are a lot of #MAGA people who claim to love Guns and their freedom of speech awfully silent about this.
PACIFISM allows you to keep your guns. Peaceful protests allow you to keep your guns. If you take away that freedom to express yourself, it only makes violence more likely. If violence becomes the only way to change government, you know full well you no longer have your guns.
ATF Raids Black 2A Influencer's Home, Finds Nothing,
The Civil Rights Lawyer
#ACAB #BluePussies #2A #SocialistGunClub #BlackPanthers #PoliceIntimidation #BlackGunsMatter
They won't go after WHITE NAZI TERRORISTS but they will go after law abiding BLACK citizens.
#ReligionIsPoison #SocialistGunClub #2A
It is ironic that gun purchases by the typical conservative types has drastically gone down as purchases by liberals has gone drastically UP since November. Shit like this is why, and I'm not going to shed any tears if bullies get shot. If you think gun culture is all MAGA, check into the
Socialist Rifle Association. If you want any gun education or any gun question answered by a LGBTQ+ safe, mixed POC, progressive democratic socialist, DM me.
So I'm looking at purchasing a S&W Bodyguard 2.0 .380 ACP and some other PCC for the house.
I've been around guns all my life but haven't owned my own (though I will inherit two or more collections in the future).
This is mostly because of my depression.
But now I have people I need to protect from fucking lunatics who feel entitled to my time/presence/friendship????
So: PCC - 9mm. First hurdle is Glock magazines or CZ Scorpion magazines?
Yeah, I know a lot about guns too. #SocialistGunClub