Video Bloggers rack up millions of views, promote #Russia as a haven for #conservatives, #GlorifyWar in #Ukraine — & never disclose any ties to #Russia. The #money tells a different story
#politics #sellout #GreedyBastards #RussiaIsATerroristState
Just found out Spotify is hosting Andrew Tate. Not only that, they appear to be hosting a podcast specifically about how to traffic women into prostitution. I guess the #Spotify LLM didn't like my question.
Everyone who speaks up for Palestine gets marginalised, silenced, or bought
It would appear that Stomzy has been bought...
#SellOut #Stormzy #BDS #McDonalds #Palestine #PalestineSolidarity #PalestineSolidarityCampaign #BoycottDivestmentSanctions #BoycottMcDonalds
Me fighting with Senator John Curtis of Utah.
#Musk #PresidentMusk #Trump #Coup
#TheLeftistMafia #108 (3 hr plus show)
Why #Billionaires Are The ONLY Minority You Should Hate
Along with other topics, #IamBlakeley (#iel) tells TLM about Youtube targeting small #contentcreators over bullshit about 'guideline violations' when it comes to #Palestine
#Oligarchs #BillioniaresSUCK #CapitalismAndGovernment
Wow, a #MustWatchVideo . AND FYI, at the 12.40 min.mark, #ArianeJasmine said #TikTok shelled out $ 55 000 to throw a Republican content creators award ceremony (incl. with #BenShapiro
14.15 min mark: The entertainment? #WakaFlocka, #LilPump (paid 12 , 13 million to #sellout)
24.32 min mark: The #rightwing #tiktok party
Well, not the most important thing, but... I guess the Village People are now dead to me...
Tell me, are these the original members?
What's your Breaking Bad scenario? If you had unpayable expenses and terrible nonpayment consequences, what might you realistically do in your desperation?
Of course you might say "I'd do anything," but Walter White had chemistry skillz. What are you qualified to do? What life or job experience or creative talent could you leverage--after seriously bending some morality and/or laws--into Big Cash?
Me, I am pretty boring. I'd probably do my damnedest to do research/data science for a SaaS company or a big consulting firm. Or sell out and try to become a university provost, then start some graft and hardcore corruption. Maybe I could try to write erotica, or, more realistically, *silly* erotica, but that market is probably super competitive.
Wow, this is a little depressing. I assumed I'd have some lucrative + dramatic options, but... seriously, yours has to be more interesting than mine.
My estranged cousin, Lindsay Banh, is the #BCNDP Director of Strategic Communications under Ministry of Education & Child Care. This is really fucked up because my cousin holds strong & fugly views on poor people. She judges poor Moms & is a colonial capitalist. This is not going to help #BCpoli. I have known her since she was born. She doesn't care about marginalized people if she can't tokenize them for personal or professional gains. I'm feeling nauseated. She is a transphobe atop.
Newman is in light gray shirt, at front. I did reverse targeting with him & few other POC sellouts with RCMP CIRG. RCMP used to send Newman out as an Indigenous token - thinking because he is Indigenous too, he'd be able to get people to leave blockade. NO. Newman & other POC in RCMP have #InternalizedRacism issues & they are fucking #sellout souls. I made all of the sellout POC RCMP people uncomfortable on purpose. Those sellout fuckers deserve zero civility from me. I am NOT kind or nice to any colonial bullshittery & am hard on POC sellouts/colonial tokens because they should fucking know better!
"It’s disappointing when people believe that name-calling and juvenile, grade-school bullying are desirable leadership qualities. In adults, this behaviour betrays a lack of moral fibre and a cruel, selfish nature"
Shame on these #Canadian #authors who seem to be just fine with #ScotiaBank's investment in #genocide.
There's a lot of good reminders about backups going around! This post is my periodic reminder that I have a Backblaze affiliate account. I use and highly recommend them!
If you're considering one of their services, please consider clicking this little link here when signing up! It'll help me and Chinwag a lot!
They keep killing the ancients.
Men who kill elder trees, are men who kill their children's futures.
Souls must be disconnected from nature & their spirits desperate for money, for them to be OK destroying #OldGrowth forests, for a temporary paycheque.
There are more ethical ways to earn a living.
Stop believing industrial & government #greenwashing lies.
#ClearcutLogging kills #ecosystems & throws #ecological balance out of whack.
Government tells us to not fret, that they're managing #forestry better - they're #greedy, #sellout #LIARS. You can go see for yourself, how many clearcuts are still happening on big scales, at several places across Vancouver Island & some parts of BC interior where greedy corporations are decimating the last inland #TemperateRainforest in the world. Our #neoliberal BC NDP government is OK with ongoing mass ecocide - they get money from industry lobbyists
Don't stop, fighting to #ProtectOldGrowth #forests #AncientTrees need #ForestDefenders in times of increased, rampant #CorporateGreed & sellout #ecocide enabling governments
Tell every nonprofit & charity who currently accepts police monies PR(our tax monies) - you aren't happy about them taking our tax monies from cops for whitewashed shit & want direct methods to help without passing dirty cops hands. Tell them you are going to donate directly to victims & more honest causes instead.
Tell #CopsForCancer there's better ways of fundraising than trying to elevate #ShitAssCops
One of those Shit Ass Cops is president of #SaanichPolice corrupted #PoliceUnion & #SaanichMayor & #SaanichCouncil are #sellout #Bootlickers
"Take your big money & shove it up your ass til it reaches the point where your humanity exited your body. I suggest examining your own ass when you're being an asshole shit guzzler - accepting bribes from corporate shit makers."
That's what I told my #sellout #BCNDP MLA - I now call, Profiteering Popham. Lying, greedy, unethical, rotten cunt.
How about the rest of you grow some balls & go after your own MLAs & MPs?
@trishalynn how ugly awesome to see how you purposely ignore me calling your #sellout #POC ass out, as you keep posting shit to make yourself look like you have any fucking courage to stand up for what is right. Grow some fucking real #COURAGE. I'll see ya around. This isn't a big place.
#HilaryClinton has zero business giving lectures about the #MiddleEast. That #Zionist funded, #greedy trough-guzzling, #AntiFeminist, #sellout soul wankertwat is not educated enough about ME & she's a #racist atop.