@martinvermeer @jwcph @randahl
Nothing new here. This was all predicted seventy years ago. #Orwell told us.
The U.S. government made a film worth twenty minutes of your time to to watch.
@martinvermeer @jwcph @randahl
Nothing new here. This was all predicted seventy years ago. #Orwell told us.
The U.S. government made a film worth twenty minutes of your time to to watch.
Someone has been coaching Trump
'Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.' (Orwell)
Orwell was a shrewd observer (not that the comment in expansion is unique, but his encapsulation is pithy).
On another front, 'If you are a not white, are not right wing, question things or demand evidence then the best chances for you and your family are to flee the US;
The Orwellian irony
Donny calls his social media outlet for spreading lies and hate Truth Media
In amazing foresight 1984, has the
"The Ministry of Truth" removing people & events from books newspapers and historical records
Also banning words and expressions
And constantly changing who they were at war with & who to hate
Sadly George got Big Brother confused with The Apprentice!
The Hollow Men
It takes a special talent to betray an entire worldview without missing a beat.
In 1984, Orwell explores the malleability of truth in a power-hungry dictatorial state, as seen in quotes such as "The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth." The Party manipulates truth to maintain control, forcing individuals to accept contradictory realities through "doublethink".
Orwell warns of the dangers of distorting truth, emphasizing its vital role in preserving freedom and individuality.
#Orwell #1984 #1984isNOW
Zuck said Meta is in a "partnership" with White House; Google is following suit. Musk controls the Whitehouse
Meanwhile, Europeans are starting to see US data services as “no longer safe”
Here's a resource collection of non-US services, and more:
#Politics #Political #pol #USA #USPol
#USPolitics #MAGA #Trump #Resist
#Orwell #Orwellian #Musk #Tesla
#twitter #facebook #Zuck #Zuckerberg
"Winston Smith's" job in the novel "1984" was to remove words from the English language.
The People were told it was to "streamline" the language, but in fact, it was a means of CONTROL, b/c when people lack the words to express themselves, the people are easier to control. #DeptOfEducation
#Orwell's "1984" was mostly a cautionary tale about how insidious #Fascism can be... much like how his novel "Animal Farm" taught the same lesson about Communism.
Au passage : il traite encore #LFI d' #antisémite
#AuxFraises raconte que Faurisson "vient de la gauche"
Que c'est #Bolloré qui lui a réclamé d'être à l'antenne
Donc soit Bolloré est complètement con, soit #Onfray est le con utile d'extrême droite qui se croit de gauche (comme Waffen #ValSS et beaucoup d'autres débiles et cyniques mal branlés)
#Orwell #1984
Tobias Smollett (1721–1771) was baptised #OTD, 19 March.
George Orwell thought him “Scotland’s best novelist”, “whose outstanding intellectual honesty may have been connected with the fact that he was not an Englishman” (Tribune, 22/9/1944)
Environmental “Protection” Agency. Orwells ‘doublethink’ heeft andermaal zijn intrede gedaan in de VS. #newspeak #doublethink #orwell #klimaat #kakistocratie
DOUBLE PLUS UNGOOD! Everything you say to your Echo will be sent to #Amazon starting on March 28
By Scharon Harding, March 14, 2025
"Since Amazon announced plans for a generative #AI version of #Alexa, we were concerned about user privacy. With Alexa+ rolling out to #AmazonEcho devices in the coming weeks, we’re getting a clearer view at the privacy concessions people will have to make to maximize usage of the AI voice assistant and avoid bricking functionality of already-purchased devices.
"In an email sent to customers today, Amazon said that Echo users will no longer be able to set their devices to process Alexa requests locally and, therefore, avoid sending voice recordings to Amazon’s cloud. Amazon apparently sent the email to users with 'Do Not Send Voice Recordings' enabled on their Echo. Starting on March 28, recordings of everything spoken to the Alexa living in Echo speakers and smart displays will automatically be sent to Amazon and processed in the cloud."
#BigBrother #Orwell #BigTechBrosAreWatchingYou #BigBrotherIsListeningToYou #NineteenEightyFour
Das klingt wie #GeorgeOrwel feuchter #Alptraum
Ab dem 28.03 behält sich Amazon vor, Sprachaufnahmen von Alexa Geräten nicht mehr auf dem Gerät, sondern nur noch, in der Amazon Cloud verarbeiten zu lassen. Dies stellt eine erhebliche Beeinträchtigung der Privatsphäre dar.
Es wäre theoretisch möglich diese Daten wie ein #Orwell sches Abhörgerät zu benutzen.
‘We are the dead,’ he says. ‘We are the dead,’ repeats Julia behind him. Suddenly an iron voice declares behind them, ‘You are the dead.’
-- George Orwell, 1984
#1984isnow #Orwell #Orwellian
If you don't see the #Orwell reference with #forbiddenwords by #Trump you gotta read #1984 again.
Sometimes, I'm surprised what is "hidden" on government servers in France MGM owns the rights of this important film, so watch it in the USA, before your president bans it. The English original with French subtitles: https://podeduc.apps.education.fr/video/60057-1984-film-de-michael-radford/
If there's a geoblocking, look anywhere for the film "1984" by Michael Radford, released in GB, in 1984: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four_(1984_film)
+ + + #Buchempfehlung + + +
George Orwell - 1984. Bertelsmann 1960
Die #Dystopie von #Orwell (1903-1950) ist ein Meilenstein der #Literatur und aktueller denn je. Als ethisches Manifest sollte #1984 Pflichtlektüre für Politiker sein.
In einem totalitären Staat herrschen die Einheitspartei und der #BigBrother, die die Menschen mittels Propaganda lenken und durch eine Gedankenpolizei überwachen.
Lässt einen an #China, #Russland und die "neue" #USA denken ...